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EVM430-FR6047: EVM430-FR6047

Part Number: EVM430-FR6047
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH,


I have the same problem described by Prabhav that avoid any usage of the board giving me back only the error "Unknown error occurred" after connection.

I think that this problem is related to an HW failure. I reveal also that LED3 is blinking of a red light.

I was working with the default image of the board as it is shipped for evaluation. I already download the UNIFLASH to follow your suggestion before changing the board. Anyway, where I can find the default image to flash it again?

Please advice me in order to make able to continue the evaluation.

Best Regards,


  • Hi Gionatan,

    You can find the image in the image directory once you've downloaded and executed the windows installer from the Design Center page for water.  These files should be installed in the ti/msp directory on your computer.


  • Dear Leonardo,

    sorry if I'm quite new to the Uniflash and to MSP430 software framework.

    I tried to run Uniflash but I wasn't able to find a suitable file in the c:\ti\msp directory that seems to contain the files for the Host software. Could you be more precise suggesting the name of the image file and its relative path?

    Anyway, I think that the problem is related to the HW. 

    Indeed I noticed, using the oscilloscope, that after 2 minutes of working with a 2MHz transducer with low resonance impedance (about 40-50 Ohms), the system starts to give the error I mentioned (see again the attached file) and at the same time the pulser does not work anymore, also removing the transducers.

    I think that this problem, that I faced on three different Evaluation board, resides in the pulser that get brocken for an excessive current request. Before the permanent damage, I revealed that the receive signal was about 1Vpp on both channels and this lead me to exclude that the input channel was brocken since the absolute maximum ratings for the input channel should be 1.65V. Are my considerations correct? Do you have any hint on this?

    I tried also to put a 150 Ohms series resistance on both channels but I faced the same problem.

    Here below some params of the transducer I'm using:

    Cp = 1600-2000pF

    Zresonance = 40-60 Ohms

    Zantiresonance = 550-700 Ohms

    Do you have any suggestion related to the problem that allows me to stop break EVM430 while using such 2MHz transducers? Should I stop testing the EVM430-FR6047 on 2MHz transducer? Do you ever tried the MSP430 on 2MHz transducer with success? Which kind of electrical parameters was related to such transducer in case a success was achieved?

    Thanks in advance for your help.



  • Hi Gionatan,

    When you download and install the software from the TI Design Center web page, it should install a directory named after the release. That directory should be found in your ti/msp folder. In that directory, there is a directory named "image" which contains the image.

    We've successfully tested with Jiakang 2MHz transducers(and others). Can you tell me which manufacturer's transducers you're evaluating?


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