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MSP430FR5994: SBW access to 48-pin (RGZ) package

Part Number: MSP430FR5994

I'm using IAR and FET430UIF V1.4a, firmware updated by IAR 7.12.3. FR5994 is selected in the project options. ( I have also tried EZ-msp2013 as an FET. Not sure if that should be expected to work talking to an FR59xx target.)

This is embarrassing. It smells like some kind of rookie mistake.

I can successfully talk to the 80-pin PN-packaged  FZ5994 on its launch pad, which uses Spy BiWire, but have been unsuccessful in using SBW talking to any of my own targets that use the 48-pin RGZ package. Obvious, right? Mis-wired! Except I have checked it every way I can and it seems ok: Pin 1 of the JTAG connector to pin 23 of the processor (RST/SBWTDIO) and pin 7 of the JTAG to pin 22 (TEST/SBWTCK). Power and ground, of course and the voltmeter says I have power. Ohmmeter says the right pins are connected together and neither net is to grounded. I made up a socket board for loose chips and a probe fixture for my prototypes with their soldered chips. Neither will respond. IAR says none found or unsupported. I have ordered fresh processors and contacted them in the socket board, inserting with static precautions, in case I had killed the earlier ones with static or soldering. Always the same message.

The errata sheet lists no debug issues.

SO, is there any sort of known trap waiting for the unwary when using the RGZ package with SBW?

  • My guess is that it's Launchpad vs Custom rather than between packages.

    Re-check your circuit against Hardware Tools User Guide (SLAU278AE) Fig 2-3. 

    The Usual Suspects: 

    1) RST circuit (you need to supply this)

    2) VCC Tool vs VCC Target (it's not clear from your description which one you want, but just follow the arrows)

    3) Both AVCC and DVCC powered (should be from the same source [Ref data sheet (SLASE54B) Sec 5.3 Note (1)])

    To answer your side-question: I'm pretty sure the EZ-430 programmer won't succeed. I think the FETUIF should succeed, but you can also use the programmer on your Launchpad by tapping into J101.

  • Hi Bruce, Thanks for your reply and support on this thread. I agree on your answer.

  • Thanks Bruce!

    Per your suggestion I now have a break-out board out for fab that will connect the launch pad FET to my targets and an external FET to the launch pad target. That should help shake out the rats.


    1) RST is also SBWTDIO on this part so that pin is under control of the FET when using SBW, which I am doing. Do I really need the external R and C? (They are there for other reasons and obey the 2.2nF rule. Just curious.)

    2) My adapter from FET to the 6-pin connector I use successfully powers and talks to an old f2013 target from the EZ, as I want it to do to mine.

    3) All power pins are wired together in both cases.

    It looks like either a) both of my targets are wrong (always the first suspect, but checked and rechecked here) or b) the MSP-FET430 isn't working with this part. The breakout should let me distinguish.


  • Bruce,

    The break-out did tell me what to do so I am good to go, but the situation is strange.

    The FET in the launch pad will talk to anything, Its own target, an f2013 target for sanity checks, and 48 pin packages in a socket and in my prototype target. . It just works.

    The old FET430UF will talk to the big package in the launch pad. It will talk  to the f2013  target through the same connector I use for the 48-pin packages.

    But it will not talk to the small packages in either the socket or in my prototype target.

    This is so counter-intuitive that I carefully did all of the tests again. Same result.

    I know how to proceed, but I do not understand this. I guess I don't have to.

    Thanks for the suggestions


    Phil Ekstrom

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