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MSP430FR5994: Empty I2C TxBuffer

Part Number: MSP430FR5994

Does anyone know if the MSP430FR5994 does send out an "empty" TxBuffer(0x00) in I2C or if it doesn´t because you don´t write anything to it?

  • Hi,

    It does send out an "empty" TxBuffer (0x00) in I2C. 0x00 is also a effective data. 

  • If you write the value 0x00 to TXBUF (when TXIFG=1) it will be sent, just like any other byte value.

    If you don't write anything to TXBUF (when TXIFG=1) the bus will (in most cases) stall until you do. [Ref UG (SLAU367O) Sec and Fig 32-12]

    If you write something to TXBUF when TXIFG=0 it will (in general) be lost. The I2C state machine provides TXIFG=1 at appropriate times [Ref Fig 32-12 again]

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