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MSP430F5659: USB data line voltage causing micro to not start(reset)

Part Number: MSP430F5659


I have a power on circuit that when the momentary power button is pushed it turns on a P ch FET to power the board and micro,  Once the micro starts, it then turns on another FET to keep the power latched on. There is also a USB charger IC on the board that charges the LiIon battery. Everything works fine accept some chargers like Apple chargers have the data lines sitting at 2.5V .  So if the charger is plugged in , the micro does not start running on POR.  For the reset line, I'm using a .01uF cap to ground with a 47K pullup to Vcc which is 3.1 Volts. the USB data lines are connected to the D+ and D- pins through 22 ohm resistors the same as used on the TI eval board. I also should mention that the 5V that comes into the USB power gets connected to the USB VBUS input to the MSP430 since the USB function is used during operation. 

 Any ideas what is going on and what I can do to fix this.



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