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CCS/MSP432E401Y: Trying to get FreeRTOS UDPecho example from simplelink SDK working.

Genius 9880 points
Part Number: MSP432E401Y

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Hi team,

Good day.

We received a case regarding this an issue about UPechohoooks.c. 

The state of current program is that I am unable to successfuly bind the created socket to the local address. I believe this stems from an inability to successfully move from the UDPechohooks.c thread to the udpecho.c thread. The UDPechohooks.c program runs and finishes without error but I arrive in an infinite loop afterward, whereas the program should instead move to the newly created udpecho.c thread.

I provided a image. Please attached photo.

Thank you and looking forward for your immediate response.

Best Regards,


  • Hi Maynard,

    I am looking into this and hope to have some feedback soon.

  • Hi Maynard,

    Could you further clarify what you are trying to do? Are you just trying to call netIPAddrHook from main and pass in your local IP address?

    Best regards,


  • Hi Kristen,

    Apologies for the late response. 

    The overall goal is simply to get the udpecho example working. I believe that this can be accomplished by ensuring that I am correctly creating the thread for netIPAddrHook and having netIPAddrHook correctly create the thread for udpecho and navigate to it. How to do that and what I need to pass in order to do that, I am not sure.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Maynard,

    The example should work out of box without any modifications to the code- I have just run the example and verified this. The application README details the steps.

    Once you connect an Ethernet cable to your MSP432E4, the application will detect this and automatically enter netIPAddrHook in udpEchoHooks.c, and the IP address of the device will be printed to the console. You have to ensure that the E4 is connected to a network with a DHCP server for this example to work.

    Once you see the IP address has been successfully printed to the console, you can run the script that is provided with the SDK to begin the UDP echo. Just note that the transmission will not work if your computer is on the TI Network, so you will have to be off the network to run the example.

    Let me know if you have any more issues running the example.



  • Hi Kristen,

    Again apologies for the late response.

    The things done.

    I have reimported a fresh copy of the example and am running it "out of the box." I have installed Tera Term and opened a connection on my COM5 port, which is the port I have plugged my E4 into. I have installed DHCP server for windows and set my ethernet card up as a DHCP server in accordance with the instructions from the README file. I have made sure that the baud rate on my COM port matches the specifications given in the README. I have installed the latest version of python as well. When I run the program, I ensure that the TeraTerm is setup properly and that the DHCP server is running, afterward I run the python script describeed in the README file. The example is still not working. It appears that the main() function in the main_freertos.c file runs until it returns 0. My active threads are the idle thread and a prvCriticalTaskExit() infinite loop. Running the python script does not appear to change anything.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Maynard,

    It sounds like you're setting up your PC as the DHCP server- I haven't tested the application through this way before. Is there a reason you are setting it up this way? If you are able to, could you use an Ethernet cable to try directly connecting the E4 to a router with DHCP? 



  • Hi Kristen,

    Regarding this, Yes, I am setting up my PC as the DHCP server and I can not do it in any other way. The way that I must get this example functioning is with an Ethernet cable connecting the E4 to my PC. I intend later to adjust the functionality of this example once it is working, and it must be able to exchange packets with my PC

    Thank you.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Kristen,

    Regarding this, Yes, I am setting up my PC as the DHCP server and I can not do it in any other way. The way that I must get this example functioning is with an Ethernet cable connecting the E4 to my PC. I intend later to adjust the functionality of this example once it is working, and it must be able to exchange packets with my PC

    Thank you.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Kristen,

    Good day, I hope you're doing fine

    Any update regarding this issue?

    Thank you and looking for your response.

    Best Regards,


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