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MSP430FR2433: Internal temp sensor accuracy

Part Number: MSP430FR2433


My customer is using MSP430FR2433 and evaluate an internal temp sensor.
He uses calibration values stored in TLV (address 1A1Ah / 1A1Ch).
According to datasheet, these calibration values are 30+/-3C and 85+/-3C.

But he found some devices shows much more errors.
Please see attached excel.
5 samples were tested.
Column B is device case temperature.
Column C/D are counts number measured by the internal temp sensor.
Column E/F are calibration values stored in TLV for each sample.
Column G is calibrated temperature calculated by below formula:
IntDegC = (temp-CALADC_15V_30C)*(85-30)/(CALADC_15V_85C-CALADC_15V_30C)+30

As you can see, some values calculated are over +/-3C (in Red).
Especially sample#74 shows +10C at 30C and +5C at 85C.
Is this expected?

Thanks and regards,
Koichiro Tashiro

  • Hi Koichiro,

    The temperature sensor ntegrated MCU is not very accurate, and we do not have specific parameters for this temperature sensor.

    If this temperature sensor cannot meet customer needs, we recommend that customers use an external temperature sensor.


    Best Regards


  • Hi Johnson,

    Thanks for your reply, but customer is really disappointed with knowing the temperature sensor accuracy is not guaranteed.
    Don’t we have the worst case error range, neither?

    Could you update datasheet to clearly describe the accuracy of the temp sensor?

    Thanks and regards,
    Koichiro Tashiro

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