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MSP430AFE252 SD24_A external voltage reference

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430AFE252


I wanted to use MSP430AFE252 for interaction with a pressure sensor. The sensor is designed to operate from 3V supply.
To ignore any noise on supply rail in device, I supposed to use the same power supply source for this sensor and for SD24_A reference.

But MSP430AFE252 has a limitation for a maximum level of external reference voltage. The maximum value is 1.5 V.

Am I right, that there is no possibility to use only one voltage source to power a sensor and Vref at the same time without additional components?

Can anyone suggest another TI MCU with 24SD, where external Vref source can be equal to Vcc and to 3V?

Thanks for help ahead of time.

  • Hi Vyacheslav!

    I guess your sensor is a differential output one, so a simple resistive bridge arrangement? If so, I would recommend to feed the internal reference voltage to the VREF pin and power the bridge from it. The SD24 has a reference output buffer that can source a maximum of 1mA to your sensor. If this is enough (depends on the resistance of your bridge) I would go this way.


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