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SIMPLELINK-MSP432-SDK: View POSIX mutex(binary semaphore) status in ROV

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSBIOS


My system uses an MSP432P4111 with SDK, Code Composer Version:, and TI_RTOS POSIX layer.

I have created a POSIX mutex calling to pthread_mutex_init() function in my application.

I see that the underlying TI_RTOS then creates a binary semaphore (sysbios_Semaphore) calling Semaphore_construct() .

I want to be able to see the status of this mutex during debug. However, when I go to ROV -> Semaphores I do not see this mutex in the list. I have searched in GateMutex too, but I cannot find it.

Is there a way to see the status of the posix mutexes in ROV?

Thanks a lot for your attention,
