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EK-TM4C123GXL: lost or corrupted ICDI controller

Part Number: EK-TM4C123GXL
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: FLASHTOOL,


1) I am using EK-TM4C123GXL kit. During programming the ICDI interface ran into problem and I could only see Firmware Upgrade option in the device manager. Using LM FlashTool, I accidentally updated the a garbage file .bin by changing its type to .bin. Now the ICDI interface is completely blank. Nothing detected/shown in device manager. Is there any way to reprogram the debug controller to save the kit? 


mf Ijaz

  • Hello mf ijaz,

    You can try the steps from this E2E post:

    Note that you would need another JTAG programmer like an XDS110 and connect to the external JTAG to access the ICDI device to perform the unlock.

    If that doesn't resolve the issue, I'm afraid the LaunchPad is bricked and unrecoverable.
  • Hi Ralph,

    Let's hope not!     What has been (potentially lost) is the ICDI MCU.      The board's "Main MCU" is suspected to be,  "Alive & Well!"

    This requires that the poster add header pins - so that he/she may introduce,  "Off the board JTAG Signals!"

    Firm/I do this, "Always & Only"  -  via J-Link (which so outperforms the ICDI device - resident (yet unused) upon the LPad.)      (and which BTW - may be extracted & repurposed (fairly easily) - unlike the fate suffered by the MCU upon 1294 board (another post here) - victim of "assault" during its "attempted" (pre forum-consult) extraction...)

  • Hi cb1,

    This is true too, I suppose I should clarify if he intends to use the LaunchPad with the ICDI and not JTAG, that it would be bricked. If the main MCU is accessible via JTAG, then yes it can be used. Though I'd wonder about the viability of certain BoosterPack's in such a case. Perhaps the headers would need to be soldered 'facing down' on the LaunchPad, so the JTAG can connect from below and the BP Headers can remain unobstructed? Food for thought.

    Though the usefulness of this added info may also be dependent on if it's deemed that the effort involved justifies small cost savings of just purchasing/acquiring a new board anyways... may not be the case for all forum visitors.
  • Hi cb1_mobile,

    You seem to be right. I have to verify that but initial results show that target can be programmed using external JTAG. But still, ICDI file should be available to recover the ICDI processor again through JTAG or something. Or may be I am not getting the picture clear.

    I have to verify that target is running Ok and then I will get back

  • What - "Seem to be right?"       Kindly read on - and realize that it is "FULLY/COMPLETELY RIGHT" - and was INTENDED by the Board's Designer!

    Fellows - may I note that,  "Firm/I have no use for "ICDI" - much prefer the  famed, superior "J-Link" - and it has "long been known" that the ICDI MCU may be disabled/bypassed!        

    Point of fact - the board designer provided an,  "EXT" header location - for just this FACT!      One does not have to, "Desolder the ICDI MCU" - it can remain "in situ" (the EXT pin holds it "quiet/disabled!")

    This has been done - many times - (as reported, right here) - and (even) by moi.      (while crack staff critiques my "hand soldering.")

    While a "yellow pennant" flies nearby - this vessel surely deserves the "Green Pennant" - does it not?      (Saved poster's board from the trash bin!)