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TM4C1292NCZAD: Possible Anomalies with Timers configured for one shot PWM and LCD palette animation.

Part Number: TM4C1292NCZAD

I wanted to post an apology to the thread of the above title but wasn't able to. I'm the original poster and I lost my temper and I'm sorry. I tried asking a related question but couldn't so I'm posting my apology as a new thread.

What I should have included in my original post was that I have done enough testing to be convinced that the next step would be to create two dev kit applications, one for each issue, and confirm that the problems happen on the dev kit as well. However, my client has working firmware so they have no reason to finance that effort and from experience I know that between the two applications it would probably take at least a weeks worth of work and I can't afford to take that expense on myself. I also know that even after I've proven to myself that these issues are anomalies it would take several weeks and possibly months to get the proof in front of someone from TI who understands what they're seeing and are in a position to do something about it. So I took what was in my opinion the next best option, report the issues to the community so no one else spends too much time tripping over the same problems.

Again, I'm sorry for losing my temper.



  • Hello Keith,

    Thank you for reaching back out to the community with your apology. I was actually the one who chose to lock that thread as the last post made was below the standard of what we expect from E2E community posts, and I did not want the thread to potentially get out of hand. I appreciate your taking the time to apologize. We also appreciate the effort taken to try and report the issue you were having to the community.

    The questions and inquiries directed were an effort from both Bob as a TIer as well as our active E2E community members to try and understand if the problem truly occurred due to undocumented behavior, or if the issue resulted from a missed setup step. The issue you described is not one we had seen before, and the description of adding functionality to TivaWare also raised doubts as generally TivaWare APIs handle almost every feature (there are some exceptions, however, and we acknowledge that). From my readings (I didn't actively participate, but I reviewed the post when I locked it as well as just now), there looked to be doubts from experienced community members who have worked with PWM and Timer peripherals for many years that the workaround is the right way to address the issue, and that is why many questions were posed.

    Lastly, it doesn't necessarily need to take weeks or months to get an issue like this in front of us, and the matter of proof tends to be easiest if we can replicate the issue readily (such as by getting source code that the triggers the issue, etc.). When you run into issues with unexplained behaviors, do post here and seek our knowledge. We are the primary support for these devices, so if your goal is to get an issue in front of device expert eyes, it will be ours regardless of the path you use. E2E just happens to be the quickest.

    If you wish to continue a technical discussion on the prior topic, please make a new thread so we can keep technical discussion separate from this one. As for this particular thread, I am going to go ahead and mark this as closed on our workflow side, but I will leave it open for further replies in case you have more to say or if one of the other community members wishes to comment.
  • As the (assumed) 'target of poster ire' - it must be said that I indeed 'missed' the fact that  said poster had 'not' employed Interrupts.     Thus I cannot escape (some) responsibility for 'poster frustration.'

    You should note that I had listed poster's work as (both) 'clever & resourceful' - and it was the 'resourcefulness' - which motivated my 'deep dive' into the API's source code - and 'ill fated' discovery of the (missing) 'TAMIE.'    Firm/I have a pretty fair record w/in Diagnostics - so much so that I took past Tech Firm Public - much of that 'owed' to similar 'dives - even (my own) resourcefulness.'

    Perhaps tonight - 'TAMIE' will not cause (another) cold sweat - and 'newer' cb1 'screw-ups' will instead - invade & torment.

    Poster's kind posting (and that of vendor's Ralph) are (much) appreciated.     I happen to have received 'special training' in 'fact finding & evidence rules/handling' - and the importance of  'key fact recognition' cannot be over-stated...

  • You weren't the target. Just an unfortunate casualty. I have a hard time saying no to a technical challenge and felt myself being drawn into what I thought from past experience would be weeks of effort. Ralph has adjusted that estimate down to a few days but that's still beyond what my current schedule can handle. Thank you both for responding.

  • I believe such 'unfortunate casualty' - in military terms - is noted as, 'Collateral Damage.'    (Past US Army Signals/Radar Officer - Designing/Selling now to the Defense Dept.)

    Special 'dispensation' should be applied to those investing 'time/effort' - in the attempt to 'aid others.'     MIT, Cal Tech, NASA, 'UW-Madison, UA-Huntsville' (both prime Gov't Subs),  Abbott Labs - multiple client others and 'Taking Tech Firm PUBLIC' - may 'better inform & advise' - that past, loosely suggested,  'waste!'