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TM4C1294XL + UDP

Hello I am trying to interface the TM4C1294XL with my computer via either-net. I would like to establish a UDP connection to my computer. I am trying to use the LwIP libraries, but am struggling to find any relevant examples.

I know there are examples. But i don't really understand the procedure to get LwIP established on the board, its just a bunch of coded, without much comments . what do you guys recommend?

Atleast, is there a resource online that details how to establish a TCP/IP connection on the TM4C1294XL? or related devices? thanks

Thanks guys

  • Hello Daniel,

    The "locator" utility in the "utils" folder of TivaWare uses UDP protocol.

    TivaWare has examples like "enet_lwip" that use HTTP protocol and the locator utility. This project can be a good starting point.

    Also there some lwIP application on this link: The "tcpecho_raw" might be useful for getting an understanding of how lwIP works using TCP protocol.

    I believe with the above mentioned applications, you should be able to develop a "udp" example.

    Note that lwIP port in TivaWare only supports native (raw) APIs.
