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MCT8316Z: MCT unable to drive motor sometimes

Part Number: MCT8316Z

Hi there,

I have been working on a system which has multiple Motors and they communicate via CAN protocol and MCT8316 (SPI version) is used for driving the motor. The system is working fine but the MCT is sometimes unable to drive the motor (around 1 in a 100 to say in an abstract manner), when I checked, it was not the problem with communication, as it is getting the command which it needs to start the motor. But during continuous testing; MCT misses to start the motor 1 in 100 times approx; while it works fine almost all the rest of time it also doesn't give any specific error on n-fault pin at that point in time.

FYI; We are using constant acceleration and deceleration of 500 and 255 respectively to achieve an RPM of 360.

What could be the reason for this? 

Thank you.

Jayam Srivastava