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DRV8313EVM: Change position control using MSP430 via SPI

Genius 9880 points
Part Number: DRV8313EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8313, MSP430G2553


Customer want to know how to if it possible to control the position from a second MSP430-FR5994 via SPI instead of the on-board potentiometer. Please see details below.


I am running the standalone example that TI provides for the board. I was hoping to change the program to control the position from a second MSP430-FR5994 via SPI instead of the on-board potentiometer. 

I've seen elsewhere that the motor control code is proprietary or can't be shared. I was wondering if I would be able to change the provided code to send the duty cycle to the DRV8313 for control instead of using the potentiometer with these limitations. If it is possible, what would the general steps be for making this conversion? Is there documentation available that would show which variables I need to work with for modifying the duty cycle during standalone use?


Thank you.
