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DRV8231: 5V to 15V conversion with 50mA load

Part Number: DRV8231
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8251, DRV8220


I am searching for a device to satisfy my requirement.

input voltage 5 V Logic level upto 10 kHz
output is 15V , 50 mA
if input voltage is logic 0 ( <1V) then output voltage is >12V ( 15V supply)
if input voltage is logic 1 ( >3.5V) then output voltage is <1V ( 15V supply)

minimum 2 channels ( non-inverting is preferrable) some time will use single channel also
if any protection is also preferable (not a requirement)
Package SMD ( Automotive preferable)
operating temperature -40 to 125
This product will have a 10 years life time.
I have searched below devices CD4504BM, DRV8231, DRV8251

Can you provide info can I use half bridge in full bridge devices like DRV8231 or DRV8251 ?
if I use half bridge can I get all protections

Please suggest any devices that satisfy my requirements.

Thank you very much for your support.
