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MCT8329EVM: Control via I2C using f28379 external dev board

Part Number: MCT8329EVM

Hi Team,
I'm trying to control the MCT8329 driver via I2C using f28379 micro. I removed the jumpers and connected the SCL, SDA, GND pins to the board. Are there any other connection changes to make between the two boards?
Are there any precautions to follow for I2C communication? I haven't found any examples of packages built into the firmware that is loaded into the evaluation board, it seems the GUI takes care of that.
Thank you,


  • Hi Biagio,

    Connections you mentioned are correct and enough. You can check the data sheet for I2C Read write format.  

    Please check the example section in the data sheet shown below,

    Example: To read a register you need to send I2C packet as shown below

    1. I2C start

    2. 1st Packet value (8 bits) with I2C address "0x00"

    2. 2nd packet Control word 0 - Value "0x90"   //

    3.3rd packet Control Word1 - Value "0x00"

    4. 4th packet Control Word2 - Value "0x80"  // This is address of EEPROM location 0x80 to read

    Follow the procedure to read back as shown in the table.

    Thanks and Best Regards,

    Venkatadri S

  • Hi Venkatadri,
    Thanks for reply, I will try to implement the communication as soon as I have the new evaluation board available. (There appears to be a problem with the power supply with the motor connected causing the driver burn out).

    Best regards,