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DRV8873-Q1: How to control multiple nOL lines from one MCU output?

Part Number: DRV8873-Q1

We have 6 drivers on one board controlled by MCU. Each driver has individual nSLEEP signal, but all DISABLE pins connected together and switched to the ground via nFET. I would like to control all nOL pins in the same way, i.e. enable or disable OLP and OLA on all the drivers simultaneously, while preserving an ability to control driver sleep individually.

Unlike DISABLE pins, the nOL is pulled up internally to nSLEEP. This means that High nSLEEP level on any driver can theoretically be passed through the nOL pull-ups to other drivers. Maybe 2x450k will not overcome 100k pull-down on another nSLEEP, but it may trigger nOL there.

I am thinking I can split one nFET drain via diodes to all nOL pins. Also the answer to my previous question suggested that I should never leave nOL N/C. So, maybe I should add somewhat stronger (100k) external pull-ups to corresponding nSLEEP pins after diodes?