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DRV8434S: Stepper driver

Part Number: DRV8434S
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2617,


I'm embarking on a project with a basic stepper motor using your CCS IDE. I have a question about the DRV8434S stepper driver.

In the DRV8434S GUI, I can easily specify the number of steps or speed for the motor to move. Now, my question is,

if I want to control the motor directly from the IDE, do I use the built-in API or do I need to create my own API?


  • Hello Shahar,

    I am assuming you're using an MSP430 device with the CCS IDE. The DRV8434SEVM uses an MSP430F2617 and its associated firmware to support all the DRV8434SEVM GUI functions. 

    The CCS project including the source code are available for download from the web. You may have downloaded those files already. One of the .h files have the global variables to support each widget in the GUI. You can change the inputs or default conditions of these variables and drive the stepper at a certain ramp rate and target velocity, all would be fixed setting, but 100% reuse the existing API .

    Alternatively you can create your own API for ramp rate and step output firmware to drive the motor.

    Regards, Murugavel