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MCF8316AEVM: 001

Part Number: MCF8316AEVM

Upon mistakenly loading the register set of MCF8316CEVM to MCF8316AEVM using Motor studio, brings the MCF8316AEVM board into some strange state, where it no longer communicate with PC. Even upon performing the Power reset and pressing Reset button on the board, doesn't help at all. How to perform the right way of reset and bring the board into default state?

  • Hi Himanshu,

    It's possible that you accidentally set the DEV_MODE bit to Sleep Mode, which causes the device to enter sleep after power-up if there is no input speed command.

    You can check the Vm supply current, if the device draws ~30mA after power up, then it's in normal idle state. If it's significantly lower than 30mA, then the device is in sleep mode.

    To wake the device from sleep, you can simply pull the SPEED pin high. Afterwards, you should be able to reconfigure the registers through GUI and re-program the EEPROM.

    Eric C.