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MCF8316AEVM: How to set up a test using the MCF8316AEVM

Part Number: MCF8316AEVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-EXP430FR2355, MCF8316A

Hi Team,

The customer has completed the implementation of I2C communication and is currently conducting register read/write tests.
I would like to inquire about the above.

1. According to the data sheet, ISD_CONFIG Register (Address = 80h) [Reset = 00000000h].
But, actually read the register value, it is "64738C20h". It seems like.. as it is an EVM board, the EEPROM has values ​​set in advance.
So, I wonder whether the value of ISD_CONFIG Register is "64738C20h" or not.

2. I tried operating Mcf8316aevm according to the quick start guide, but no control signal is output. Are there any additional tasks that need to be performed other than what is explained in the guide?

3. Could you please share an example code file that reads/writes SPD_LOOP related values?
(Code file used when performing a demo test using MSP430 microcontrollers Launch pad (MSP-EXP430FR2355))

Thank you.

  • Hello Sumin,

    1. According to the data sheet, ISD_CONFIG Register (Address = 80h) [Reset = 00000000h].
    But, actually read the register value, it is "64738C20h".

    It is likely that the MCF8316A's EEPROM was loaded with values when the device was tested for basic functionality.

    2. I tried operating Mcf8316aevm according to the quick start guide, but no control signal is output. Are there any additional tasks that need to be performed other than what is explained in the guide?

    Which control signal is not being output, are you referring to the PWM/SPEED_IN signal or the OUTA/OUTB/OUTC signals?

    3. Could you please share an example code file that reads/writes SPD_LOOP related values?

    We have an example code for reading and writing to the registers of an MCx device in our FAQ on Programing a MCx BLDC motor driver through I2C using MSP430 LaunchPad.



  • Hi Joshua,

    Thank you for your help.

    To answer your questions:

    2. Which control signal is not being output, are you referring to the PWM/SPEED_IN signal or the OUTA/OUTB/OUTC signals?

    => The control signals are OUTA/OUTB/OUTC signals. Customer rotated the potentiometer following to #5 in the quick guide

    3. We have an example code for reading and writing to the registers of an MCx device in our FAQ on Programing a MCx BLDC motor driver through I2C using MSP430 LaunchPad.

    => The code you shared appears to be a method of setting registers using I2C. Is that correct? And I'm not familiar with "SPD LOOP". Could you please guide me to related materials or explain the related mechanism?

    Thank you

  • Hello Sumin,

    I tried operating Mcf8316aevm according to the quick start guide, but no control signal is output. Are there any additional tasks that need to be performed other than what is explained in the guide?

    Since the OUTA, OUTB, and OUTC signals are not being seen:

    1. Please check the that the following are close to the listed values: AVDD = 3.3V, DVDD = 1.5V, VCP = VM+4.7, 35 > VM > 4.5 
    2. Can you measure the voltage at the DRVOFF, and BRAKE pins to make sure that they are low?
    3. Make sure there is no fault being reported
    4. Measure the signal on the SPEED/WAKE pin to make sure input signal is a PWM signal
    5. Make sure that the OVERRIDE bitfield in the ALGO_CTRL1 (0xEC) register is set to 0b which enables PWM/freq/analog speed control. If this is set to 1b only I2C speed control is enabled with PWM/freq/analog speed control being disabled.
    The code you shared appears to be a method of setting registers using I2C. Is that correct? And I'm not familiar with "SPD LOOP". Could you please guide me to related materials or explain the related mechanism?

    Correct, this code will use I2C to write the register information placed into eeprom_regmap to the device. For information about speed loop (SPD_LOOP)  please refer to section of the MCF8316A datasheetFor information about speed loop tuning and the variables involved, I would recommend starting with section 4.3.7 of the MCF8316A Tuning Guide:

    Hope this helps, please let me know if you require further support!

