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GUI Composer Generates an Error with my InstaSPIN DRV8312-69M_KIT

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MOTORWARE, CCSTUDIO

I have a DRV8312-69M_KIT, which worked fine several months ago. Now the software for the InstaSPIN has been updated with the new GUI Composer. After updating
the software, the GUI generates an error and won't recognize the motor. All new SW updates: motorware, GUI Composer, CCS and compiler.

Here's the error generated: (taken from the GUI Composer dialogue window)

"Restarting Program Model...
Initializing target : C:\ti\guicomposer\webapps\InstaSPIN_FOC_F2806xM\appConfig.ccxml Connecting target: Texas Instruments XDS100v2 USB Emulator_0/C28xx Wrapped com.ti.ccstudio.scripting.environment.ScriptingException: Error connecting to the target: emulation failure occurred (#14) in at line number 14 Restart Completed."

When I force the issue by clicking the "Application" button, the GUI attempts to come up in a disarrayed state with red circles with x-es over each of the parameter inputs. None of the GUI functions work.

Trying to run the board for all the available options (motorware vs CCS, etc.) gets me to the same point. The board is configured correctly with the phase switches on MCU, motor connected per user guides, 24 supply, all indicator LED fine and the drivers on my computer are both active. The board, motor, etc. was working fine until these new updates. How do I get it all working again?
