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Programming DRV10975 with DRV10983EVM-TB and MSP-EXP430G2 "Could not find device/not supported"

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV10975, DRV10983EVM-TB, MSP430G2553, DRV10983


I'm trying to use an MSP-EXP430G2 Launchpad  and DRV10983EVM-TB target board to program a DRV10975 chip. I opened the programming tool, sloc316, in CCS Version: and built successfully, but when I try to debug, I get the error: "MSP430: Error connecting to the target: Could not find device (or device not supported.)" I've tried a few different DRV10975 chips.

I was able to program the M430G2553 that came with the Launchpad with a sample code (blinking light) without issue.



  • Hi Ben,

    Our experts have been contacted and should reply soon.
  • Ben,

    As per your setup, the MSP430G2553 on launchpad board is getting programmed. We have to program same MSP430 device with the code from sloc316. The process is, we first take our parameters to MSP430 using CCS programming . And then when MSP430 code is running , it passes those parameters into DRV109x EEPROM.

    Once the MSP430 is programmed, and DRV109x socket board is mounted, pressing key on P1.3 will load all the parameters into DRV10975/DRV10983 device. This will be indicated by LED on P1.0, once done.

    The error you are getting is for the communication between MSP430 and CCS. It has nothing to do with DRV10975 device, hence changing DRV will not help.





  • Thanks Jasraj,

    You're saying that I should be able to program just the MSP430 with no chip or target board present from CCS, correct?

    So that would mean that the fact that I can program the supplied chip with the blinking light code, but not the DRV10975 with the code in sloc316 means that the sloc316 code is faulty or not compatible with something? Do you have any additional insight on specifically what the error message I received would mean, given that I was able to send the blinking light sample code successfully to my MSP430?



  • Ben,
    Yes. You should be able to download the MSP430 code with or without target board present.
    The error you are recieving suggests that there is some communication error between CCS and MSP430 and has nothing to do with DRV part.
    Having said that, You are able to build the sloc316 code successfully without any error, You were able to download one (blinking) code to MSP430. I dont see any reason why the other code (sloc316) is not able to download.
  • Hi Ben,

    Please take a look at the targetConfigs in your project. If the file MSP430G2553.ccxml is missing, that could be the problem.
  • Jasraj,

    I am using the procedure for the blinking LED described in slau157aj Section 1.2, and it will only work if the G2553 chip is mounted in the launchpad. If the chip as absent I get the same error message as with the target board. Should I be using a different method?


    Yes MSP430G2553.ccxml  is present. I tried copying the version of the file from the blinking light project with no change is result.



  • Ben,

    The error message will appear when there CCS does not find MSP430 to communicate with. Are you changing any hardware setting/jumper when downloading a blinking program and code for DRV10x programming ?

    I tried with sloc316 code available on with MSP430G2x board and downloading is fine everytime i try to download.




  • Ben,

    I am sorry to hear about the problem you are experiencing, hopefully we can get it sorted out for you. Can you check two things in code composer studio, I want to make sure when the project was imported no settings were automatically changed by CCS.

    1) In the project explorer window, right click on the project and select properties. On the window that pops up ensure the device it is trying to connect to is MSP430G2553. Also the linker command file should be the same part number.

    2) In the View drop down menu, go to Target Configuration. When the window pops up select the project and view the configuration file being used. Open it up and verify the MSP430G2553 is selected (even if the file is named MSP430G2553 a different part could be selected). Also the connection should be TI MSP430 USB1.

    What IDE did you use to load the blinking LED code?


    Zach Buckley

  • Zach,

    1) The MSP430G2553 is selected both places

    2) The  MSP430G2553 is selected (but the "Save" and "Test Connection" buttons are grayed out.)

    I used CCS 6.1 to load the blinking code by clicking "Build" then "Debug" then "Resume" (This only works when the chip is in the Launchpad, if there is no chip I get the same error message as with the 10975.) Is there a better method?

