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ISO7241A: SPI communication using HC-2 kit

Part Number: ISO7241A


I am using SPIA port (J8 header) on DRV8301 HC-2 kit based on motorware software. I can see the SCLK, MISO, MOSI on the microcontroller side of the isolation IC (IS0 7241 A) however, on the other side of the IC there are no pulses observed.

I can see the isolated 3.3V on the other side of the isolation IC (IS0 7241 A) which indicates that the IC is energized. Both the enable pins on the hardware are

How can I use the SPIA 

  • Hi Sourabh,

    Based on the diagram provided. I think you have connected output of microcontroller to output of digital isolator.

    Please reverse the IC and connect outputs of microcontroller to inputs of digital isolator (INA,INB,INC). And input to microcontroller to output of digital isolator (OUTD).

    Please let me know if additional clarification is required.

    Anand Reghunathan

  • So, from the circuit diagram of the HC-2 kit, does it mean that the the kit can only operate in slave mode if SPIA (J8 port) port is used?

    Is there a way to use HC-2 kit as a SPI master?

  • Hi Sourabh,

    I am not familiar with the HC-2 kit. Please post a question in the MCU forum regarding this. They should be able to help you with more clarity. Ideally if the SPI lines are available then you should be able to configure the kit in Master/Slave mode.

    I assumed that your MCU side was Master since you were showing pulses at MCU side of the isolator and not on kit side of isolator.
    If that is the case then the pinout shown in shared schematic is incorrect. All the channels need to be connected in reverse.
    If you are using the HC-2 kit as master and MCU as slave then the shared schematic looks correct.

    Let me know if this requires more clarity.

    Anand Reghunathan