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BOOST-DRV8711: DRV8711 stall check

Part Number: BOOST-DRV8711
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8711


    now I am debugging the stall function of  the DRV8711,I  have configued the STALL Register with  the value of

  SDTHR  = 0x70,SDCNT = 0x03,VDIV = 0x01;when the stepper motor just begin  to run and the DRV8711 have checked the motor stall,so I have adjusted the   STALL Register with  the value of

  SDTHR  = 0x6F,SDCNT = 0x03,VDIV = 0x01;and then  when the motor is  in a stalled state but the DRV8711 don't detect  the stall, 

now I  don't konow how to resolve the question!

  • Darren,

    There is an application note to talk about STALL setting.
    DRV8711 Quick Spin and Tuning Guide ( ) Page 9 and 10:
    The best way to configure internal stall detect is by selecting a desired stall speed (in rpm). Set both SDTHR and VDIV to their minimum values. Next, decrease the motor speed to the desired stall detect speed. Use Equation 10 to determine the necessary stepping frequency: