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DRV8301: Output Gate signals are not matching input gate signals

Part Number: DRV8301


I use a STM32F7 controller to feed in the PWM signals into INH & INL pins.

When the motor starts, the outputs(GH&GL) makes the right signals that corresponds to the input signals.

However, after a bit, the output starts to fall apart and I can't find a reason why this is happening.

Please advise.

As shown above, Pink is the input PWM signal and Yellow is the output PWM signal(towards the MOSFET's gate).

You can see that on the left of the waveform, the yellow follows pink pretty well, but it starts to fall apart.



  • Hi SJ,

    Thanks for your post!

    Are you using one of our development boards, or your own design? If one of our boards please let us know which one. If you have your own design can I see a schematic of the DRV8301 and surrounding circuitry?

    Which PWM input mode are you using? 6x or 3x? (PWM_MODE register setting)

    Does any fault occur? You can check the nFAULT or nOCTW pins ever go low.

    Can you take a scope capture observing the following nodes for us to see:

    • GH_A, SH_A, INH_A, INL_A
    • GL_A, SH_A, INH_A, INL_A

