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BQ25100: Pin short protection

Part Number: BQ25100


We want to use the BQ25100 in smartwatch and are worried about water ingress.

  1. What happens if two pins are shorted, e.g. IN & VSS or OUT & TS or even IN & OUT?
  2. Do we have an app-note on water protection?

Thank you and best regards,


  • Hello Ambroise,

    Here are the results of pin FMEA for this device:

    • IN & VSS short: input pulled to ground, device does not startup. No damage to IC. Adapter would need some current limiting protection
    • ISET & VSS short: No charge current (devices latches off due to ISET OCP protection). Input toggle required to restart operation. No damage to IC
    • Preterm & VSS short: Normal operation with precharge and termination current set to 0mA

    • TS & OUT short: TS pulled to battery voltage, clamped at VCLAMP(TS) (no damage to IC). Part enters TTDM
    • IN & OUT short: adapter shorted to battery, no damage to IC. Battery protector circuit opens to prevent damage to battery
    • IN & ISET short: No damage to IC, no charging current (configures for 0A)

    In all cases of pin short IC will be OK. Let me know if anything else is needed.

    Best regards,
