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LM3405A: ILED of Recommended Operating Conditions

Part Number: LM3405A

Dear Specialists,

My customer has a question about Recommended Operating Conditions of LM3405A datasheet and LM3405A Demo Board.

I would be grateful if you could advise.


The LED current is described as IF on the data sheet, but only the Recommeded Operating Conditions has an item as ILED.
Is this ILED the same as the LED current(IF)?

If so, In case of the SOT package is 400mA.
We'd like to use IF = 700mA, is it impossible due to this restrictions.

What conditions are LED current restrictions set?
Please tell me about the calculation method.

On the other hand, the LM3405A demo board using the SOT package had a default R1 = 0.2Ω and IF = 1A setting.

Why can it be used with 1A output.


I appreciate your great help in advance.

Best regards,
