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TPSM84824: What is the output voltage accuracy of this device?

Part Number: TPSM84824
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPSM84624, , TPSM84424

Hi team,

i can't seem to find it in the datasheet. can you please let me know?

additionally, are there any footprint compatible modules for 6A and 8A?



  • Hi Kevin,

    The output voltage accuracy for TPSM84824 if affected by the tolerance of the external RFBT and RFBB resistors which normally adds about 2% (1% per resistor) and the internal reference which is +-1%, so on average it totals about 3%. The footprint compatible modules are TPSM84624 (6A current limit) and TPSM84424 (4A current limit). 


    Eileen Hernandez