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TPS68470: power-up timing sequence

Part Number: TPS68470

Hi Sir,

My customer has a issue about the MCLK output 40MHz or did not any output. They have some questions for power-up timing sequence as below.

1. Only 3V3_SUS and 3V3_VDD are specified in the datasheet 8.3.1 ) of TPS68470, could you tell us the detailed power sequence requirements? need the timing sequence between the I2C pull-up and the Reset pin?
2. When the I/O power is done before the 3V3_SUS and 3V3_VDD, what kind of malfunction can occur with the power sequence on the below?


  • Hi Henry, the team is looking into this request and should be able to provide feedback by tomorrow.

  • Hi Henry,

    To follow up on Brandon's comment, I'm in the process of confirming whether this sequence is acceptable:

    SDA/SCL => RESET_IN => 3V3_SUS/3V3_VDD

    By "MCLK" I assume you are referring to the PMIC HCLK_A and HCLK_B outputs - please correct me if I'm wrong. 

    1. Is the customer following the steps in section 3.5.2 of the EVM User's Guide to enable the HCLK outputs at 40 MHz? If not, could you please share what procedure the customer is using?

    Link to the EVM User's Guide:



  • Hi Sir,

    The customer replied to your questions as below.

    1. Is the customer following the steps in section 3.5.2 of the EVM User's Guide to enable the HCLK outputs at 40 MHz? If not, could you please share what procedure the customer is using?

    -> We have set it to 19.2MHz, not 40MHz.
    However, the NG PMIC outputs 40MHz.
    Or NG PMIC not outputs HCLK.
    Please refer to topic "TPS68470: PMIC is malfunctioning" for procedure.

    When we changed the settings from "PLL Multiplier" to "Internal Oscillator", the NG module could be work normally, why?

  • Hi,

    This points to an issue with the procedure or the external oscillator. I don't see any issues with the POSTDIV, XTALDIV, and PLLDIV values you are using. However, the sequence of commands does not match the procedure in the EVM User's Guide (see steps 1-10 in section 3.5.2).

    1. First, please re-organize the I2C sequence to match the procedure in steps 1-10 of section 3.5.2.

    If the behavior still occurs:

    1. Can you please share the oscillator part number? 
    2. Have you verified the 20 MHz oscillator output at the OSC_IN and OSC_OUT pins?



  • Hi Sir,

    Another question about the I2C pull-up.

    At the power-up sequence, could we use a separate pull-up supply of 3.3V on SDA(F5) and SCL(G5)?

    It's mean the power-up sequence as below.

    3V3_SUS, 3V3_VDD and a separate 3.3V => IO_OUT powers up => configure GPIOs

  • Hi Henry,

    Please expect a response by EOD tomorrow.


    Daniel W

  • Hi,

    Typically the LDO_IO output is used as the I2C pull-up voltage for SDA (F5) and SCL (G5). Out of curiosity, is there a reason this application has an external 3.3 V pull-up voltage?

    I will check if there are any concerns with using an external 3.3 V supply in the power up sequence you are describing, and provide an update tomorrow. 



  • Hi Sir,

    The customer replied to your questions as below.

    This points to an issue with the procedure or the external oscillator. I don't see any issues with the POSTDIV, XTALDIV, and PLLDIV values you are using. However, the sequence of commands does not match the procedure in the EVM User's Guide (see steps 1-10 in section 3.5.2).

    1. First, please re-organize the I2C sequence to match the procedure in steps 1-10 of section 3.5.2.=> Could I know there have any side effect? if we have some sequence of commands does not match the procedure.     

    If the behavior still occurs:

    1. Can you please share the oscillator part number?  =>  20MHz.4P.12pf/30ppm.FujiCom.FSX3M 20.000000M12FAQ
    2. Have you verified the 20 MHz oscillator output at the OSC_IN and OSC_OUT pins?
  • Hi Sir,

    Any update for below questions?

    1. Only 3V3_SUS and 3V3_VDD are specified in the datasheet 8.3.1 ) of TPS68470, could you tell us the detailed power sequence requirements? need the timing sequence between the I2C pull-up and the Reset pin?

    2. When the I/O power is done before the 3V3_SUS and 3V3_VDD, what kind of malfunction can occur with the power sequence on the below?  (SDA/SCL => RESET_IN => 3V3_SUS/3V3_VDD)

  • Hi,

    Following the EVM User's Guide procedure would remove unpredictable behavior. For example in No. 8 you are writing a 'Reserved' value (01) to the SWR[1:0] field in the PLLSWR register (address 0x09). I'm also not sure of the purpose behind No. 10 through No. 16. 

    Thank you for providing the oscillator part number and measurement data. I see the customer has the option with a 12 pF load capacitance given by C31 and C32. However, the OSC_IN/OSC_OUT pins also have capacitance of 7 pF + CON_XTAL_C[2:0].

    From No. 18, CON_XTAL_C[2:0] = 101 = 10 pF. As such, the total load capacitance seen by the oscillator outputs is 12 pF + 7 pF + 10 pF = 29 pF. The extra capacitance could be causing issues in certain cases. Is it possible to reduce the load capacitance on the NG board to see if the issue is still present?

    Regarding your questions on the sequence:

    1. I2C pull-up sequence is not an issue from the device perspective. However, care should be taken to ensure this does not conflict with the image sensor's power sequence requirements (assuming the daisy-chain I2C lines are pulled up to the same external voltage). 
    2. TI has not characterized device behavior with RESET_IN asserted early. As such, is not recommended to assert RESET_IN before 3V3_SUS/3V3_VDD. I will point out the pin has an internal pull-up resistor to 3V3_SUS, so it will not be unintentionally asserted on power up. 
  • Hi Sir,

    From No. 18, CON_XTAL_C[2:0] = 101 = 10 pF. As such, the total load capacitance seen by the oscillator outputs is 12 pF + 7 pF + 10 pF = 29 pF. The extra capacitance could be causing issues in certain cases. Is it possible to reduce the load capacitance on the NG board to see if the issue is still present?

    => Yes, it is still present. We thought this issue follows the NG module, right?

  • Hi,

    Yes this was my initial thought based on your table. Have you tried swapping the PMIC and/or oscillator from the OK module to the NG module to see if the issue is resolved (in other words, the A-B-A swap)?



  • Hi Sir,

    Yes this was my initial thought based on your table. Have you tried swapping the PMIC and/or oscillator from the OK module to the NG module to see if the issue is resolved (in other words, the A-B-A swap)?

    => Yes, we have swapped the PMIC on NG and OK modules had seen the issue is resolved.

  • Hi,

    Was there any difference when swapping the oscillator from the OK module to the NG module?

    Going forward please note the recommendation not to assert RESET_IN until 3V3_SUS/3V3_VDD are applied. 

