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LM5175: design a boost converter 5V to 50V /5W

Part Number: LM5175

Hi Design support,

On the joined file, you will find à WBDesign corresponding to our need.

All suggested values has been implemented on the evaluation board LM5175EVM-HD with the others adjustements below :

voltage Bias is provided by a 10V volts auxiliary supply.

Mosfet rating is changed at 60V

Add of ouput chimical capacitors 3x150µF, 180mR ESR instead of the 33µF suggested by WBDesign (necessary to provide pulsed current 10A@30µs required by the target application)

The 100µH inductor has an esr lower than 50mR.

All other WBDesign suggestions are respected

Our problem with a static load of 0.1A : At 5V input, voltage doesn't reach 50V.

It's necessary to increase the input voltage up de 6/7V to reach the 50V outpup target.

question : why it doesn't operate at 5V input voltage? Does the input/output voltage ratio too large?


We  tryied to decrease the switching frequency down to 100KHz, to increased the sense filtering (Ccs=1nF), to adjust the compensation with larger capacitor (Ccomp from 10 to 22nF, Rcomp from 3 to10K, Ccomp2 from 0.1 to 1nF). Nothing helps.

The better results were obtained by reducing the shunt capacitor down to 22mR ; but an instability occurs on the input current.

Hoping you can help us to find a solution,




  • Hi Arnaud,

    thank you for using the E2E forum.

    It might be that you are running into overcurrent during the startup phase due to the inrush current into the output capacitors.

    Can you measure the voltage on the SS pin with a Scope during the condition?

    Do you get a ramp and a stable final voltage there or is the voltage ramping up and down?

    Best regards,


  • Hi Arnaud,

    It's been a few days since I have heard from you so I’m assuming your question has been answered.
    If this isn’t the case, please click the "This did NOT resolve my issue" button and reply to this thread with more information.
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    Best regards,