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UCD3138ACCEVM149: Firmware Download Problem

Part Number: UCD3138ACCEVM149
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCD3138A

I've recently changed UCD3138A processor on UCD3138ACCEV149 . With the new chip, UCD3XXX Device GUI was not able to scan the device with DEVICE_ID , DEVICE CODE or PMBUS REVISION.

Only "Scan Device  in ROM Mode" gave me a proper answer. 

I tried to download the fimware (.x0 file) to the EVM but ı got an error at the middle of the process.

Now I am not able to connect to the EVM via JTAG or PMBUS.

These are the errors ;



What is the proper way to download firmware to the EVM and should I change the UCD3138A processor again ?

  • Hello,

    Could you please share the error info in a more clear way or share the log file? Since the picture shown here is not clear even if i used a larger monitor.

    Best Regards,


  • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



    These are the errors which occours when I plug the device in.

  • Hello,

    Seems the device has been locked up. If the JTAG or PMBus is not working in this case, there's no other way to unlock it. Or do you have a back-door? Maybe you could have a try if you have the back-door. But this only works if you have flashed the relrated code to UCD device sucessfully, since there's an error in the middle of download process. It's not guaranteed.

    Bascially, the UCD3138A device would get locked becasue the checksum cannot be cleared properly. There are two locations available for checksum on UCD3138A. If one of them is valid, UCD3138A would jump to pflash automatically on reset.  That is, in your case, there must be at least one valid checksum.  

    0x7fc —boot checksum(sum of the pflash bytes from 0 to 0x7fb)

    0x7ffc —overall checksum for pflash (sum of the pflash bytes from 0 to 7ffb)

    So do you have a bootloader in your application? Thus the checksum at address 0x7fc is valid. 

    It's unlikely that UCD3138A would get locked without a bootloader, even if there's an error happens in the middle download process, because the checksum is located at the end of pflash(0x7ffc), and it should be flashed in the very end.

    Another possible reason that UCD3138A gets locked without a bootloader is that there's some mis-operations with UCD3XXX Device GUI while downloading the firmware. Say, the "Boot support" was chosed unexpectedly, but there's not bootloader supported in the application actually.

    Best Regards,


  • I changed the chip on EVM , now Im able to reach to the device with "Scan Device in ROM Mode" option in "UCD3XXX Gui" . But "Fusıon Digital Studıo" still cannot detect the EVM.

    How can I change the "mode" of this EVM ?

    Thank you,


  • It looks like you are able to detect the device in ROM mode.  In order for the Fusion GUI to run it needs to interact with the device running a firmware in Program mode.  So you will need to download firmware to the device and then execute that program flash (you can do this without writing a checksum - click the option DO NOT WRITE CHECKSUM).  See section 5.3 on Firmware Download in the user guide .