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TPS54260: TPS54260 Based Design

Part Number: TPS54260
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS54560, BQ24092


We are working on a design for a system that should work with two battery i.e. primary battery and secondary battery. when primary battery is available it should take supply form that battery and when it is fully discharged then it should take power from secondary battery. we made our design just want suggestion regarding this design. i am attaching design photo. . Thank you

  • Hi 

    I suggest 3.7V to 3.3V , you can use Low Iq 5V dcdc converter instead of TPS54260.

    For primary battery input, is it from 0V or what is the mini voltage ? 

    Do you think BQ24092 need 5V 2.5A as its input power , I ask this question is that if BQ24092 input current is smaller than 1.5A, you may combine two TPS54260 as one TPS54560 to deliver 5V 3.5A, then you can use a low voltage dcdc convert 5V to 3.3V for the Main system power.


  • Hi,

    primary battery min voltage is 12V. 

    we are using BQ24092 as Li-Ion charger where as TPS54260 is step down regulator.

    also we have requirement of 3.3V output which work independent of the secondary battery

  • HI Dubey:

    got it, then, I only suggest change 5V to 3.3V with Low Vin buck. Other Two rail dcdc from TPS54260 is fine for me
