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BQ24092: Wrong Charge pin indication

Part Number: BQ24092

Dear All,

In our application all the components are powered by the OUT pin of the BQ. In other words, when a 5Volt is applied to 5VBUS_USB, the boards wakes up ad the BQ starts charging the battery.

In this condition, with R117 INSTALLED, can happen that, connecting the board to the a 5V power supply, we got that the CHG\ line goes high.

Removing R117 it seems that this does not happen anymore.
It may be that this component, incorrectly mounted, may be the cause of this behavior?

In our board, on the pin 1, there is installed a 10uF, instead of the 1uF suggested in DS and, moreover, this capacitor is powered via a  PTC in series 

At page 9 of the datasheet is reported:

CTS Optional Capacitance – ESD 0.22 μF, could this cap help?

Thank you