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TPS43340-Q1: [TPS43340QPHPRQ1] Substitute inquiry

Part Number: TPS43340-Q1

Hi, TI Support Team

Due to the delivery issues of the following products, a request was received from a customer to recommend a replacement product for a product with the same performance.


1. Request to check if there is a Pin to Pin product (100% identical to performance)

2. If there is no Pin to Pin product, check if there is an alternative

- In the case of replacement products, items that can support up to 2CH DCDC (BucK).

- For replacement, please check with the possible built-in FET product.

3. When recommending an alternative product, please confirm that it is an item that can be mass-produced immediately.

Input Voltage spec : 4~40V

Please reply as soon as possible.




  • Hi MJ,

     Please see my answers below:

     1. Sorry to have no better answer, but this is the only Wide Vin 4 rails PMIC (2 DC/DC controller, 1 DC/DC converter, 1 LDO) we have in the portfolio. 

     2. Even we had an alternative, the bottleneck is not the device itself but a specific process step needed for the metallization which is out of capacity for many devices.

     3. Unfortunately, an alternative with mass-produced immediately search out is 0.

