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UCC27201A: PCN/official documents inquiry regarding lead frame change

Part Number: UCC27201A

Hi all,

regarding below question of lead frame change in the exact same device,

Is there a PCN/official document regarding this issue? Does this affect the application of the parts?

I cannot find the exact definition of this change, and it is not stated in latest data sheet on

Left picture is what we previously bought, and right picture is what we recently bought.

  • Hi, Mr Lee,

    Let us investigate this issue. Please give us a couple days to gather the information and get back to you. 

    Best regards,


  • Hello Mr. Lee,

    I have been looking into this for you, but can you provide a rough year where you purchased the left part? Was it before or after 2011 in particular? As for the application of the parts, there should be almost no difference between the two. The only significant difference is how the ground pin is connected to the IC, but that should have little effect on performance. If the left IC was purchased after 2011, could you also provide the vendor you purchased it from? 


    Alex M.

  • Hello Mr. Mazany,

    the picture on the left was manufactured after year 2012. I have various types of stock , all manufactured in yr 2012~2020 but they all have the same image as the left one. The only stock that shows x-ray as the right image is the stock manufactured in yr 2021.

    " how the ground pin is connected to the IC" for these comment, could please explain in more detail what this is?

  • Hello Mr. Lee,

    I am referring to this connection in blue:

    Like Mr. Dapkus said before, the right IC has our current leadframe. The most likely explanation for the difference, is that the ICs were made at different sites with slightly different packaging. If you are concerned about performance, the device specifications are still bound to the datasheet regardless of leadframe. I will keep looking into this for you, but it may take a while longer before I can confirm why there is a difference. In the meantime, can you confirm that you ordered these parts directly from TI? I doubt this is a counterfeit part, but I just want to rule out that possibility. 


    Alex M.

  • Hello Mr. Mazany,

    Regarding purchasement, the left IC was delivered directly from TI and right IC was a purchasement from open market. But the stock vendor confirmed that this is not a counterfeit part and that is was purchased from one of TI's official purchasement routes.

    Thanks for looking deeply into this issue, though. I will look forward to recieving exact reasons for the difference in leadframe.


    MH Lee

  • Hello Mr. Lee,

    thank you for confirming the sourcing for the parts. I will provide an update by the end of the week. Sorry for the delay; I have to ask someone to ask another person for the information and sometimes that can take a while. 


    Alex M. 

  • Hello Mr. Lee,

    Thanks for your patience. I was able to confirm that the different leadframes you are seeing are due to the parts being made at different assembly sites.  This is also why there was no PCN; there was no change in the package leadframe, they were just different at the different sites. Your previous orders must have all come from one site and this recent one from a different site. All of our devices are expected to perform within the datasheet parameters we list, so this should not effect your application. If you have any more questions, feel free to reply/continue this thread.


    Alex M.

  • hello Mr. Mazany,

    could you kindly share which assembly site refers to which x-ray image?

    The reason I ask is because, as far as I have checked with our current stock, right-hand image is from CN assy site and left-hand image is from both CN/TH. Thus, I cannot clearly understand that x-ray leadframe difference is occurred due to different assembly site...

    Sorry for too many questions, but this must be sorted out clearly for us internally so I ask.

    Best regards,

    M.H. Lee

  • Hello Mr. Lee,

    I see, so you saw ICs that had the left leadframe that were made in both CN and TH? If you don't mind me asking, how did you verify where those ICs were manufactured? I know our ICs are shipped in containers that describe country of origin, but if they were purchased from a reseller then that information may be lost. I saw you mentioned earlier that all of the left ICs were bought directly from TI, but a mix-up may still be possible. 

    Again, regardless of the leadframes, the ICs should still behave according to the datasheet. If you are seeing performance that is outside of the datasheet's specifications on the ICs, then there would be a problem. Sorry to keep repeating this, but I think it is an important consideration in this situation. 

    Unfortunately I can't give a more direct answer. Since this forum is public, people could potentially use this information to more accurately make counterfeit parts. 


    Alex M.

  • Hello Mr. Mazany,

    both purchasements from TI & re-seller all had their COO info on label, this is how I could figure out the site of manufacture. FYI, re-sellers usually discard only the lot# before re-selling.

    I can totally understand that you can provide further support&info only on the cases that ICs do not show performance as expected on data sheet. But as of our side, we cannot actually try out the IC's performance if the difference is not clearified internally. If the info is not applicable to share on this forum, would it be able to be shared via e-mail or in other ways?

    Best regards,

    MH Lee

  • Hello Mr. Lee,

    My name is Aaron Grgurich and I work along side Alex as an applications engineer.  As he is out on holiday, I will be helping you.


    It seems there was a PCN sent out in 2017 about different die attach material.  This may be the reason for this; does this help?  Are you able to find this PCN?

    If not, please feel free to send me a friend request on E2E and we can discuss further there.



    Aaron Grgurich