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TPS7A4701EVM-094: TPS7A4701EVM-094

Part Number: TPS7A4701EVM-094


When using the TPS7A4701EVM at output current of 1A and voltage drop of 4V, is this enough PCB area to dissipate the 4W of heat through the bottom package solder pad and the PCB, or I have to add the heatsink attached to the package?

Will  an added heatsink be efficient at all, due to theta junction to case top ?

 Thank you

  • Hello,

             Adding a heatsink to the package might not be very efficient, but it certainly would still help your application in dissipating heat. The device datasheet specifies the θJA to be  32.5°C/W, which is an appropriate value if the part is housed on the JEDEC standard High-K board. The θJA of the device when soldered to the EVM is not known at this point, however we have observed, across devices, that θJA typically reduces by ~30% when housed on our EVM's when compared to the JEDEC standard High-K board. Taking this into account and using heatsink on the package, there is a good chance that you will be able to dissipate 4W of heat without exceeding the maximum recommended junction temperature of the device, assuming the device is operated at ambient room temperature. Thanks!

