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TPIC71004-Q1: Inquiry

Part Number: TPIC71004-Q1


Good day. I hope you are doing well.

Our customer has the following question about the TPIC71004-Q1:

1. How should unused squib outputs (ZMx, Zx) be handled/connected? Just unconnected and left floating?
2. What is the intenden size of the SQREF resitor? Matching resistance of the squibs?
3. How should pins TEST1 - TEST4 be connected? Just leave them floating?
4. The datasheet mentions inductors LZx and LZMx? How can they be calculated or is this just a placeholder for wire inductance between squibs and TPIC?

Can you please help us? Thank you.



  • Cedrick,

    I have some questions.

    Can you send me email (email address : for starting offline communication ?

    Best regards,


  • 1. How should unused squib outputs (ZMx, Zx) be handled/connected? Just unconnected and left floating?

    - Floating is fine. or have a 10nF to 22nF cap to ground to mitigate any noise coupling through these unconnected pins at system level.

    2. What is the intenden size of the SQREF resitor? Matching resistance of the squibs?

    - This is to calibrate the gain and offset of the diagnostic amplifier with a known resistor (typically 2 to 6 ohms range matching the unknown squib resistance range).

    3. How should pins TEST1 - TEST4 be connected? Just leave them floating?

    - Recommended to be connected to ground

    4. The datasheet mentions inductors LZx and LZMx? How can they be calculated or is this just a placeholder for wire inductance between squibs and TPIC?

    - The inductances are the loads typically our squib drivers support. On airbag systems, we have wiring inductance, clock spring inductance that provide about 100uH max between Zx and ZMx.

    Best regards,
