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BQ25708: Set over voltage protection limit (SYSOVP) through firmware?

Part Number: BQ25708

We have a product in production using BQ25708. We are using a 12 Volt lead-acid battery.

The  CELL_BATPRESZ pin is connected to the battery via a resistor-divider such that a 12 volt battery applies about 5 volts to CELL_BATPRESZ. (This indicates 4 cell battery configuration.)

Normally this functions as desired. The problem occurs when:

  1. There is a power loss
  2. The battery becomes completely depleted and the system shuts down
  3. Power is restored
  4. The depleted battery applies a low voltage to CELL_BATPRESZ at power up. This indicates a 1 cell battery configuration. (We need it to be 4 cell configuration!)
  5. Firmware sets the VSYS (MinSystemVoltage register) to 12 volts
  6. The BQ25708 thinks this voltage is too high and asserts SYSOVP and goes into shutdown
  7. We can't recover without removing power, but there is no physical access to the device. BIG PROBLEM!

The question is: Is there any way, through registers, to change the SYSOVP limit? We understand that we should connect the CELL_BATPRESZ pin differently, but we already have product with customers. We are hoping to fix this through a firmware update to our product. Surely there mus be a register or something that allows us to change the SYSOVP limit... can you please help?

Thanks you!
