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TPS659037: SMPS3 shutdown on TPS6590379

Part Number: TPS659037
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM5718


We use this PMIC with custom AM5718 board. It seems that on very rare occasions, sometimes after several weeks up-time, the PMIC is shutting down only SMPS3 for the DDR-memory. All other supply voltages are OK. This causes a lockup of the AM5718. It is possible to do this over the I2C but we can't see the SW doing this on the bus. Is there anything in the PMIC itself that can cause this behaviour. Thermal shutdown will cause a reboot of the SoC and is behaving differently. 

Thanks in advance!


Marcus Berglund

  • Hi Marcus,

    Nothing immediately comes to mind that might be related to this behavior. Can you request they provide scope plots of the SMPS3 output after the inductor, SMPS3_SW before the inductor, and SMPS3_IN when this behavior happens?

    Best regards,

    Layne J