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LMR33620: Lighter load efficiency

Part Number: LMR33620


I have a design with the LMR33620CRNX where input range is 12-18V in, with 5V out, and pretty much a stable 60mA load.
The efficiency is around 70%.  I really need to conserve power here, so 90% would be a good goal.

ISSUES: Pretty much locked into this part because of supply chain issues... there is so little to choose from out there right now.  But I guess if there is a better suggestion that you is available in a similar thermal package then I am all ears.
I also am well into a safety cert so that also complicates changing the part.

Given that I know I will not need higher current, and I do have some room to tweak, is there anything I can do?
Larger inductor?   I experimented with this some and it seems to help a bit.  I think it is already pulse skipping and this maybe helps with that a bit, but I am not sure.
I do not need to worry about transient loads.  Just a stable 60mA at 5V.  Input changes should not be fast.

Other specs...30V max input, -20 to 70C operation.

