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BQ27520-G4: How to disable/enable gauge learning in the field and how to check updated Qmax & Ra-tables

Part Number: BQ27520-G4

I was trying to check whether the gauge is learning in the field?

I charged and discharged a single battery several times to see how the gauge is updating Qmax and Ra-tables. Prior to that I programmed the golden file.

I noticed that only the 'Cycle Count 0' updates but no other parameter. 

Is the gauge still learning or is learning somehow disabled? I suspect that maybe my golden file set the Ra Status and Ra Flag to the incorrect values:

Ra0 Default: Status = 00, Flag = 55

Ra1 Default: Status = 00, Flag = 55

Ra0: Status = 00, Flag = 00

Ra1: Status = 00, Flag = 55

Ra0x Default: Status = 00, Flag = 55

Ra1x Default: Status = 00, Flag = 55

Do those Stati and Flags look ok? If yes, what else could cause the gauge not to learn in the field?
