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BQ27520-G4: Post-learning: What values should be copied?

Part Number: BQ27520-G4

After completing learning, the SLUA902 guide was a bit unclear about what Ra table and Qmax values needed to be copied elsewhere.  It says "However, after learning has been completed, copy the table that has the learned, ie the qmax and Ra values to the one that are unlearned so both tables will now have the same values"

My device successfully had "Update Status 0" change to "02".

The device itself has six tables:
Ra0 Default
Ra1 Default
Ra0 Table  <-- This is the only one that updated during the learning cycle
Ra1 Table
Ra0x Table
Ra1x Table

Which set of values should I copy, and to where?

Likewise, the "Gas Gauging","State","Qmax Cell 0" is the only Qmax variable that I think updated, where do I copy it?

There are also a "OCV Tables","OCVa0 Table","Qmax Cell" value, but it did not seem to update.  Does this require a manual update?

Thanks for your help!

  • Please copy the one that learned to all other Ra tables.

    Copy the learned "Gas Gauging","State","Qmax Cell 0" to ""Gas Gauging","State","Qmax Cell 1" and copy the "Gas Gauging","State","Update Status 0" value to "Gas Gauging","State","Update Status 1"

    Note that this is mainly to accelerate the process. It's also possible to take a second cell that the gauge identifies as cell 1 and run another learning cycle but this is usually redundant and not necessary.