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BQ27520-G4: Number of data bytes for bq.fs or df.fs generated file

Part Number: BQ27520-G4


I am confused about the instructions given in slua541a.

The document specifies:  

File Structure

The .bqfs file is an ASCII text file which contains both commands and data. Each line of the file represents

one command and potentially 96 bytes of data, as described in the following text. No row contains more

than 96 data bytes. The first two characters of each row represent the command, followed by a ":".

I am working with generated .bq.fs and .df.fs files which appear to have more data bytes than this (seeing up to 100 data bytes). 

For example, one row from the .df.fs is:

W: 16 00 02 00 00 00 EA FF 33 06 FA 33 8C FA 33 39 FE 33 41 FE 33 FF FF 3F FF FF 3F FF FF 3F FF FF 3F FF FF 3F FF FF 3F FF FF 3F FF FF 3F FF FF 3F FF FF 3F FF FF 3F 29 03 3F 58 CB 33 C1 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF AA 0E FB A7 0E FF A6 0E FF A1 0E FF A0 0E FE A3 0E 6C A2 0E D2 FF 3A FF A1 0E 63 A0 0E FF A3 0E 

which has 100 bytes of data, plus the address (0x16) and the register address (0x00) to write to.

I found this similar thread: which asked about resolving this problem.

Can someone please clarify if the SLUA is just out of date and it is fine to perform a write of up to 100 data bytes, or will the device not work correctly and I need to manually split these longer writes into subsequent shorter writes somehow?

