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Hi TI,
I am trying to simulate LM5576 in TinaTI but I get "irregular circuit" error.
Any idea ?
From the circuit you showed, I suppose you want to configure the IC as inverting buck-boost topology. Please try below three suggestions to see if the simulation error can be removed.
1. Don't set the positive end of the output (node B) as GND. As the PGND and AGND pin of the device may connect to ground already in the TINA model internally, it may cause conflicts if there are two different nodes setting as GND for the whole circuit. With that, apply the input supply and input caps between node A and node B.
2. Put VCC caps near VCC pin.
3. Increase the output caps. Set 22uF-100uF as a starting point.
You can try above suggestions one by one and see. Also attach the updated schematic for your better understanding.
Thanks for your explanations.
I applied those changes but still I'm not able to do the simulation. I get the same error.
By the way this circuit is taken from webench and I need the simulation for my presentation.
LM5576 - autosave 23-02-06 16_55 - autosave 23-02-07 10_36.TSC
Here is the Tina file. Thanks for your help