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TPS25750: TPS25750, TPS25750EMV, Application Customization Tool COM port interface documentation.

Part Number: TPS25750


I am wanting to setup a simple COM to I2C microcontroller to properly interface with the TPS25750 Application Customization Tool's COM interface. The intent being streamlining the flashing process for new TPS25750 configurations.

At the moment, I can see that the application customization tool "pings" the selected COM port with "i2ce 2 400 80 64 0 0". I can make some assumptions on what it is trying to do, but have no idea what it wants as a response.

Can someone point me to where I might find this documentation?

This would greatly speed my development process with this chip.



  • Good Evening Nate,

    I will reach out to our Firmware team and see what information can be provided. I will provide an update by Monday EOB at the latest, but hopefully sooner.

    Kind regards,

    Conner Gillette

  • The TPS25750EVM utilizes the TIVA TM4C123GH6PM Microcontroller to interface with the COM port by converting I2C to USB traffic. Its datasheet will have the information you're seeking.

    Kind regards,

    Conner Gillette

  • Hi Conner,

    I cannot seem to find where it explains how it converts I2C traffic to USB traffic in that data sheet. I'm not sure this document is the right place to look for that information.

    I am looking for how to decode the messages sent by the "TPS25750_Application_Customization_Tool 7.0.4" for flashing the TPS25750 external EEPROM chip.

    Is there perhaps an example project I can download for CCS that would have the source code? Looking through the TM4C123G examples there isn't one that is obvious.



  • Unfortunately we do not have public facing documentation for what you're seeking. However, the EEPROM is a direct byte-by-byte write of the binary file, starting at address 0x00 of the EEPROM. You can use any EEPROM writing tool or interface to write the binary to the EEPROM. Many EEPROMs also have page write functionality to reduce write time.

    Kind regards,

    Conner Gillette

  • So, in summary, I can write code or buy the total phase aardvark device to flash the EEPROM with the generated outputs from the "TPS25750_Application_Customization_Tool 7.0.4", but neither solution will give a one click flash? With the number of times I am likely to do this it would be great to have a one click flash solution for updating the config on the EEPROM.

    Are there any other devices that the "TPS25750_Application_Customization_Tool 7.0.4" is designed to work with?

    Can I buy a board with the Tiva chip and proprietary software on it already?

    Is there any way I can get select questions answered from the non public facing document that defines the UART to I2C connection? Or, is there a process for getting access to the non public facing documentation for this?



  • 1. That is correct.

    2. No, the TPS25750 App Customization Tool is specifically for the TPS25750.

    3. Yes, you can find them here.

    4. The only public facing documentation for the TPS25750 regarding I2C communication is its datasheet (Section and its Technical Reference Manual.

    Kind regards,

    Conner Gillette

  • Thank you for clarifying Conner,

    One more question...

    If I were to make my own custom flashing device using the Tiva chip from the EVM, could I be provided the TIVAs firmware as it comes on the TPS25750EVM?


  • Nate,

    Please use a new thread for this. You can also consider TIVA launch pad