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TPS25762-Q1: Configuration Question to Support USB2 Network Adapter

Part Number: TPS25762-Q1

Hello. I have developed a circuit that incorporates the TPS25762-Q1 for USB-C charging and a Realtek RTL8152B-VB-CG network adapter for use with an iPad. Schematic below. Before configuring the TPS25762-Q1, I was able to get the network adapter to show up on the iPad by connecting CC1 to GND through a 5.1K resistor. After flashing the firmware to the TPS25762-Q1, the network adapter shows up for a couple of seconds until the iPad starts charging and then the network adapter disappears.

Is there a configuration I can put in place on the TPS25762-Q1 that will enable this functionality? Do I need to adjust my circuit to have the D+ and D- pins from the TPS25762-Q1 connected in some way? I assumed that power negotiation would be done via the CC pins and that I could connect the RTL8152B-VB-CG  D+ and D- pins to the USB-C connector directly. I fear I may have misunderstood something!

Any help would be appreciated!



  • Hi Corey,

    Your assumptions sound correct.  As long as the D+/D- pins are connected to the network adapter and not 762-Q1, this should work.

    After you flashed firmware to 762-Q1, did you remove your J8 jumper?  The iPad will present this resistor on the other end of the cable.

    Otherwise, the schematic looks okay.  I suggest trying to isolate the issue by powering the iPad via 762-Q1 without the network adapter in place.  Or if you have an EVM, you can confirm your firmware image on it.  It may also be helpful if you are able to provide a log from an inline PD analyzer.


  • Thanks for looking over the schematic Eric. I appreciate it! Nice to know I might not be too far off in how this should work.

    If I remove the J8 jumper, then the RealTek chip never shows up on the iPad. The charging seems to work well. The iPad just seems to not even try to recognize that a USB device is connected. I can only get the Realtek adapter to show up on the iPad if the J8 jumper is in place on one of the CC pins and the 762-Q1 has not been programmed. I assume this means the iPad is becoming the source of power with with the 5.1k resistor connected and then it's recognizing the USB device. 

    I've output the PD analyzer log below. Is there something in the configuration of the 762-Q1 that I need to set for it to somehow let the iPad know that a USB device is connected? I've also included my configuration as well below. Had to change the file extension from .json to .txt to get it to upload.

    I do not have an EVM to test with. Any more help would be appreciated!




      "metaData": {
        "deviceName": "tps25762",
        "partNumberId": 2,
        "timeStamp": "2023-09-19T15:10:36.714Z",
        "version": "8"
      "guiControls": [
          "name": "usbA",
          "controls": [
              "name": "highIlimDelay",
              "value": false,
              "description": "High Current Limit Mode Configuration."
              "name": "pps",
              "value": false,
              "description": "When this bit is enabled, the PD controller calcul"
              "name": "vBusUvp",
              "value": 12,
              "description": "VBUS UVP Trip point for Fixed PDO contracts."
              "name": "ppsVBusUvp",
              "value": 1,
              "description": "VBUS UVP Trip point for APDO contracts."
              "name": "disablePD",
              "value": false,
              "description": "Assert this bit to disable USB PD."
              "name": "debugAccVBUSenable",
              "value": false,
              "description": "Debug Accessory enable."
              "name": "initRp180uAPUEN",
              "value": true,
              "description": "180uA pull-up enable."
              "name": "vbus5v_voltageboost",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "VBUS voltage boost for 5V contract(50mV per LSB)."
              "name": "powerThresSource",
              "value": 7.5,
              "description": "Power threshold setting for GPIO output event."
              "name": "vbus_apdoOffset",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "VBUS UVP Trip point offset for APDO contracts."
              "name": "vbusValidPPSstatus",
              "value": 5.5,
              "description": "VBUS PPS_STATUS reported voltage threshold."
              "name": "swhiccup",
              "value": true,
              "description": "SW controlled HICCUP Enable."
              "name": "dcpSampleWaitTimer",
              "value": 0.015,
              "description": "DCP Sample Wait Timer."
              "name": "tDegBcDone",
              "value": 1.25,
              "description": "DCP DP Deglitch."
              "name": "hscpFcpPingRxTimeout",
              "value": 2,
              "description": "Ping RX timer(250ms per LSB)."
              "name": "tDegDmLow",
              "value": 0.0025,
              "description": "DM low deglitch timer(500us per LSB)."
              "name": "numValidPDOs",
              "value": 2,
              "description": "Number of valid PDOs in this register."
              "name": "txSourcePDO1",
              "value": 134320428,
              "description": "Bank0 First Source Capabilities PDO contents."
              "name": "txSourcePDO2",
              "value": 184620,
              "description": "Bank0 Second Source Capabilities PDO contents."
              "name": "txSourcePDO3",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Bank0 Third Source Capabilities PDO contents."
              "name": "txSourcePDO4",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Bank0 Fourth Source Capabilities PDO contents."
              "name": "txSourcePDO5",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Bank0 Fifth Source Capabilities PDO contents."
              "name": "txSourcePDO6",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Bank0 Sixth Source Capabilities PDO contents."
              "name": "txSourcePDO7",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Bank0 Seventh Source Capabilities PDO contents."
              "name": "maxPdpRangeNum",
              "value": 3,
              "description": "Max Number of PDP Range."
              "name": "maxVPdpRange1",
              "value": 5,
              "description": "Max VBUS Voltage for PDP Range1(50mV per LSB)."
              "name": "maxWPdpRange1",
              "value": 15,
              "description": "Max PDP Power Range1."
              "name": "maxVPdpRange2",
              "value": 5.9,
              "description": "Max PDP Voltage Range2."
              "name": "maxWPdpRange2",
              "value": 17.7,
              "description": "Max Power PDP Range 2."
              "name": "maxVPdpRange3",
              "value": 9,
              "description": "Max Voltage PDP Range 3."
              "name": "maxWPdpRange3",
              "value": 27,
              "description": "Max Power PDP Range 3."
              "name": "maxVPdpRange4",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Max Voltage PDP Range 4."
              "name": "maxWPdpRange4",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Max Power PDP Range 4."
              "name": "maxVPdpRange5",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Max Voltage PDP Range 5."
              "name": "maxWPdpRange5",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Max Power PDP Range 5."
              "name": "maxVPdpRange6",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Max Voltage PDP Range 6."
              "name": "maxWPdpRange6",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Max Power PDP Range 6."
              "name": "maxVPdpRange7",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Max Voltage PDP Range 7."
              "name": "maxWPdpRange7",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Max Power PDP Range 7."
              "name": "maxPower",
              "value": "30.00",
              "description": "Max VBUS Power for this port(250mW per LSB)."
              "name": "minPower",
              "value": 15,
              "description": "Min VBUS Power for this port(250mW per LSB)."
              "name": "typeCCurrent",
              "value": 1,
              "description": "Type-C Current advertisement."
              "name": "autoStatusEnable",
              "value": false,
              "description": "When this bit is enabled, the PD controller calcul"
              "name": "bc1_2",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "BC1.2 DCP Charging En."
              "name": "chargingMode1_2v",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "1.2V Charging Enable."
              "name": "chargingMode2_7v",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "2.7V Charging Enable."
              "name": "hvdcp",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "SCP GenX Enable."
              "name": "vconnEn",
              "value": true,
              "description": "Enable PP_CABLE1."
              "name": "vconnCurrentLim",
              "value": "0",
              "description": "Current limit configuration for PP_CABLEx."
              "name": "apdoIlimOvershoot",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "APDO Source overshoot margin."
              "name": "avgIlimOvershoot",
              "value": 1,
              "description": "DCDC Average Current Limit overshoot margin to be "
              "name": "tempReport",
              "value": false,
              "description": "Temp info auto update enable in PD messages."
              "name": "autoAlert",
              "value": false,
              "description": "When this bit is enabled, the PD controller port automatically initiates Alert messaging.  "
              "name": "autoIdReq",
              "value": false,
              "description": "Configure identity discovery for SOP."
              "name": "exitDeglitch",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Higher current limit mode exit deglitch time."
              "name": "entryDeglitch",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Higher current limit mode entry deglitch time."
              "name": "nominalIlimOvershoot",
              "value": 1,
              "description": "ILIM_LO Overshoot."
              "name": "vbusTripPoint",
              "value": 160,
              "description": "High Current Limit mode trip point(10% per LSB)."
              "name": "productTypeVdoReg0",
              "value": 1073741824,
              "description": ""
              "name": "txId",
              "value": false,
              "description": "Number of valid VDO's in this register."
              "name": "productTypeVdoReg1",
              "value": 1073741824,
              "description": ""
              "name": "productTypeVdoReg2",
              "value": 1073741824,
              "description": ""
              "name": "productType",
              "value": 3,
              "description": "This is as defined in the USB PD specification."
              "name": "usbCommAsDevice",
              "value": true,
              "description": "Assert if USB communications capable as a device."
              "name": "usbCommAsHost",
              "value": true,
              "description": "Assert if USB communications capable as a host."
              "name": "usbCommCapable",
              "value": true,
              "description": "USB communications capable."
              "name": "usb3Rate",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "USB3 configuration."
              "name": "i2cTempSensor1Adr",
              "value": "00",
              "description": "I2C Temp Sensor address."
              "name": "i2cTempSensor2Adr",
              "value": "00",
              "description": "See description for I2C Temp Sensor1."
              "name": "i2cTempSensor3Adr",
              "value": "00",
              "description": "See description for I2C Temp Sensor1."
              "name": "i2cTempSensor4Adr",
              "value": "00",
              "description": "See description for I2C Temp Sensor1."
              "name": "i2cTempSensor5Adr",
              "value": "00",
              "description": "See description for I2C Temp Sensor1."
              "name": "vendorID",
              "value": "451",
              "description": "This is as defined in the USB PD specification."
              "name": "xID",
              "value": "00",
              "description": "This contains the 32-bit XID assigned by USB-IF."
              "name": "productID",
              "value": "00",
              "description": "Product ID."
          "name": "common",
          "controls": [
              "name": "supportStatusMsg",
              "value": false,
              "description": "Enable Status message."
              "name": "supportManufactureInfoMsg",
              "value": false,
              "description": "Support Manufacturing Info message."
              "name": "manufacturerString",
              "description": "Manufacturer String as defined in USB PD."
              "name": "ppsSupportStatusMsg",
              "value": false,
              "description": "If this bit is asserted the PD controller will res"
          "name": "i2c",
          "controls": [
              "name": "vth1",
              "value": 1,
              "description": "Pull-up voltage for I2C1m."
              "name": "vth2",
              "value": 1,
              "description": "Pull-up voltage for I2C2s."
              "name": "slaveAddr",
              "value": 0,
              "description": ""
              "name": "timePeriod",
              "value": 39,
              "description": "For internal/GUI use only."
              "name": "extDCDCPollingInterval",
              "value": 200,
              "description": "External DCDC Polling Interval(2ms LSB)."
              "name": "extendedPhaseEnable",
              "value": 3,
              "description": "Enable for thermal  phases."
              "name": "i2cTempSensorEn",
              "value": false,
              "description": "I2C Temp Sensor Enable/Disable."
              "name": "i2cTemp1thF",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "I2C temp sensor Thermal Phase1 falling threshold."
              "name": "i2cTemp1thR",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "I2C temp sensor Thermal Phase1 rising threshold."
              "name": "i2cTemp2thF",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "I2C temp sensor Thermal Phase2 falling threshold."
              "name": "i2cTemp2thR",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "I2C temp sensor Thermal Phase 2 rising threshold."
              "name": "i2cTemp3thF",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "I2C temp sensor Thermal Phase3 falling threshold."
              "name": "i2cTemp3thR",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "I2C temp sensor Thermal Phase3 rising threshold."
              "name": "i2cTemp4thF",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "I2C temp sensor Thermal Phase4 falling threshold."
              "name": "i2cTemp4thR",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "I2C temp sensor Thermal Phase4 rising threshold."
              "name": "i2cTemp5thF",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "I2C temp sensor Thermal Phase5 falling threshold."
              "name": "i2cTemp5thR",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "I2C temp sensor Thermal Phase 5 rising threshold."
              "name": "i2cTemp6thF",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "I2C temp sensor Thermal Phase6 falling threshold."
              "name": "i2cTemp6thR",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "I2C temp sensor Thermal Phase6 rising threshold."
          "name": "internalDCDC",
          "controls": [
              "name": "peakIlim",
              "value": 10,
              "description": "Boost peak ILIM configuration."
              "name": "buckPeakIlim",
              "value": 8,
              "description": "Buck peak ILIM configuration."
              "name": "ditherEn",
              "value": true,
              "description": "Switching frequency diterh enable."
              "name": "ditherFreq",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Switching freq range configuration for DCDC."
              "name": "phaseShift",
              "value": 3,
              "description": "Phase shift configuration on SYNC output CLK."
              "name": "freqSel",
              "value": 1,
              "description": "Sets switching frequency of DCDC converter."
              "name": "syncIOconfig",
              "value": 2,
              "description": "SYNC PIN configuration."
              "name": "cableComp",
              "value": false,
              "description": "Cable Compensation is enabled"
              "name": "cableCompRange",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Cable compensation configuration."
              "name": "dcdc1LoopComp",
              "value": 19,
              "description": ""
              "name": "dcdc1ModeDet",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "DCDC1 Mode Detect signal."
              "name": "dcdc1BlankConfig1",
              "value": 2,
              "description": "DCDC1 Blank Config 1."
              "name": "dcdc1BlankConfig2",
              "value": 2,
              "description": "DCDC1 Blank Config 2."
              "name": "dcdc1BlankConfig3",
              "value": 2,
              "description": "DCDC1 Blank Config 3."
              "name": "dcdc1DeadTimeCfg",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Dead time exit control adjustiment."
              "name": "dcdcConfigReg",
              "value": "7308AAB33A062DC880",
              "description": ""
          "name": "gpioExtender",
          "controls": [
              "name": "numGpioExtender",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Number of GPIO extender."
              "name": "ext1NumGpio",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Number of GPIOs for extender1."
              "name": "ext2NumGpio",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Number of GPIOs for extender2."
              "name": "ext3NumGpio",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Number of GPIOs for extender3."
              "name": "ext4NumGpio",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Number of GPIOs for extender4."
              "name": "ext1Address",
              "value": "00",
              "description": "GPIO Extender1 address."
              "name": "ext2Address",
              "value": "00",
              "description": "See description for GPIO Extender 1."
              "name": "ext3Address",
              "value": "00",
              "description": "See description for GPIO Extender 1."
              "name": "ext4Address",
              "value": "00",
              "description": "See description for GPIO Extender 1."
          "name": "extendedSourceCap",
          "controls": [
              "name": "supportSouceCapExtMsg",
              "value": false,
              "description": "Enable Source Capabilities Extended."
              "name": "voltageRegulation",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Voltage regulation as defined by the USB PD."
              "name": "holdUpTime",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Hold up time as defined by the USB PD."
              "name": "compliance",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Touch current as defined by the USB PD specification."
              "name": "touchCurrent",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Peak Current 1 as defined by the USB PD."
              "name": "peakCurrent1",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Peak Current 2 as defined by the USB PD."
              "name": "peakCurrent2",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Peak Current 3 as defined by the USB PD."
              "name": "peakCurrent3",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Touch temperature as defined by the USB PD specification."
              "name": "touchTemp",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Touch temperature as defined by the USB PD."
              "name": "sourceInputs",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Source inputs as defined by the USB PD."
              "name": "sourcePDP",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Source's PDP rating as defined by the USB PD. "
          "name": "systemConfig",
          "controls": [
              "name": "totalUSBPower",
              "value": "30.00",
              "description": "Total VBUS system power."
              "name": "spmRole",
              "value": true,
              "description": "Determines SPM role."
              "name": "spmPowerPolicy",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "SPM Port Priority Policy."
              "name": "pwrfoldbackerrrecoveryen",
              "value": false,
              "description": "Power foldback Error Recovery enable."
              "name": "vinPollingInterval",
              "value": 250,
              "description": "VIN polling interval."
              "name": "engineOnDeglitch",
              "value": 3,
              "description": "Engine On deglitch timer."
              "name": "engineOffDeglitch",
              "value": 3,
              "description": "Engine Off deglitch timer."
              "name": "engineOffEntryDeglitch",
              "value": 3,
              "description": "Engine Off Entry deglitch timer."
              "name": "engineOffEntryDeglitchRes",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "EngOnDeglitch Resolution."
              "name": "gracePeriodEngOnTmr",
              "value": 15,
              "description": "Timeout value after engine off condition entry."
              "name": "gracePeriodEngOffTmr",
              "value": 15,
              "description": "Timeout value after engine off condition entry."
              "name": "gracePeriodDisableEngOn",
              "value": false,
              "description": "Grace period disable for engine on transition."
              "name": "gracePeriodDisableEngOff",
              "value": false,
              "description": "Grace period disable for engine off transition."
              "name": "EngOnMinVth",
              "value": 8.96,
              "description": "VIN threshold to exit no power."
              "name": "EngOffNomVth",
              "value": 11.76,
              "description": "VIN_th to exit full to low power."
              "name": "EngOnVth",
              "value": 12,
              "description": "VIN threshold to enter full power."
              "name": "engineOnDeglitchRes",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "EngOnDeglitch Resolution."
              "name": "engineOffDeglitchRes",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "EngOnDeglitch Resolution."
              "name": "maxPwrEngineOff",
              "value": "18.0",
              "description": "Max power to be offered in engine off condition."
              "name": "NTC1MaxW",
              "value": "18.0",
              "description": "Thermal Phase1 max power."
              "name": "NTC2MaxW",
              "value": "9.0",
              "description": "Thermal Phase2 max power."
              "name": "NTC3MaxW",
              "value": "1.5",
              "description": "Thermal Phase3 max power."
              "name": "NTC4MaxW",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Thermal Phase4 max power."
              "name": "NTC5MaxW",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Thermal Phase5 max power."
              "name": "NTC6MaxW",
              "value": 0,
              "description": "Thermal Phase6 max power."
              "name": "NTC1VthF",
              "value": "0.39",
              "description": "Thermal Phase1 Vth Falling."
              "name": "NTC1VthR",
              "value": "0.56",
              "description": "Thermal Phase1 Vth Rising."
              "name": "NTC2VthF",
              "value": "0.69",
              "description": "Thermal Phase2 Vth Falling."
              "name": "NTC2VthR",
              "value": "0.94",
              "description": "Thermal Phase2 Vth Rising."
              "name": "NTC3VthF",
              "value": "1.08",
              "description": "Thermal Phase3 Vth Falling."
              "name": "NTC3VthR",
              "value": "1.37",
              "description": "Thermal Phase3 Vth Rising."
              "name": "NTC4VthF",
              "value": "0.00",
              "description": "Thermal Phase4 Vth Falling."
              "name": "NTC4VthR",
              "value": "0.00",
              "description": "Thermal Phase4 Vth Rising."
              "name": "NTC5VthF",
              "value": "0.00",
              "description": "Thermal Phase5 Vth Falling."
              "name": "NTC5VthR",
              "value": "0.00",
              "description": "Thermal Phase5 Vth Rising."
              "name": "NTC6VthF",
              "value": "0.00",
              "description": "Thermal Phase6 Vth Falling."
              "name": "NTC6VthR",
              "value": "0.00",
              "description": "Thermal Phase6 Vth Rising."
              "name": "thermalFbEnable",
              "value": false,
              "description": "NTC Thermistor Enable/Disable."
              "name": "EngOffMinVth",
              "value": 8.56,
              "description": "VIN threshold to enter no power."
              "name": "uartTraceEnable",
              "value": false,
              "description": ""
              "name": "uartGpio",
              "value": 0,
              "description": ""
              "name": "uartDivider",
              "value": 0,
              "description": ""
          "name": "customConfig",
          "controls": [
              "name": "SPMPollingInterval",
              "value": 250,
              "description": "SPM Polling Interval."
          "name": "__uiProperties",
          "controls": [
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              "value": {
                "deviceName": "tps25762"
              "description": ""
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              "value": 2,
              "description": ""
              "name": "usbAapdoVal",
              "value": 11,
              "description": ""
              "name": "numOfApdos",
              "value": {
                "usbA": 1
              "description": ""
              "name": "pdoConfigState",
              "value": {
                "usbA": "0"
              "description": ""
              "name": "pdosList",
              "value": {
                "usbA": []
              "description": ""
              "name": "apdosList",
              "value": {
                "usbA": []
              "description": ""
              "name": "customApdos",
              "value": {
                "usbA": []
              "description": ""
              "name": "cstmPdoPower",
              "value": {
                "usbA": 0
              "description": ""
              "name": "vbusMax",
              "value": 9,
              "description": ""
              "name": "pdp_selection_value",
              "value": {
                "selection1": {
                  "pdpCount": 5,
                  "pdpV": {
                    "c1": 3.3,
                    "c2": 5,
                    "c3": 9,
                    "c4": 15,
                    "c5": 20,
                    "c6": 0,
                    "c7": 0
                  "minV": {
                    "c1": 3,
                    "c2": 5,
                    "c3": 9,
                    "c4": 15,
                    "c5": 20,
                    "c6": 0,
                    "c7": 0
                  "maxV": {
                    "c1": 4.9,
                    "c2": 8.9,
                    "c3": 14.9,
                    "c4": 19.9,
                    "c5": 21,
                    "c6": 0,
                    "c7": 0
                  "maxP": {
                    "c1": 16.5,
                    "c2": 25,
                    "c3": 45,
                    "c4": 45,
                    "c5": 60,
                    "c6": 0,
                    "c7": 0
                "selection2a": {
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              "description": ""
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  • Hi Corey,

    I agree - it sounds like with your 5.1k in place, the iPad sees Rd on its CC pin and begins acting as host.  I will try your config on an EVM within the next few days.  I checked your config and nothing jumps out at me.


  • Corey,

    I am still in the process of testing this, but I want to make sure I understand the system in the meantime.

    Is the intent of your system to charge the iPad while simultaneously acting as a network adapter?  My knowledge of these systems is limited, but based on what I find online, most of these devices are not charging the device they plug into.


  • Hey Eric,

    Yes, the intention is to charge the iPad while simultaneously letting it use the network adapter. Essentially, I'm trying to replicate what any of the many USB C Hubs (that include a network adapter) do. They can simultaneously present the hub and network adapter to the iPad while allowing what seems to be a pass through of the PD charging. I was hoping it would be as simple as the design I put together. It was actually based off of a POE powered USB C network adapter that works with the iPad. It uses the the Realtek RTL8152B-VB-CG chip, but not a TI based PD circuit. I'm just not sure what I have to do to get the iPad to recognize it has a USB device attached and also charge. 

    Specifically for the 762-Q1, what do the configuration options related to USBCOMMCAPABLE do? I know that USB fast charge wouldn't be supported since D+ and D- are disconnected. That USBCOMMCAPABLE setting is on that same configuration page.

    I appreciate your continued help. I feel like I'm just missing something...



  • Hi Corey,

    I would leave USBCOMMCAPABLE enabled.  And correct, you lose non-PD fast charge since the data pins aren't connected to 762-Q1.

    Based on your PD log, it looks like there needs to be a data role swap to have the iPad act as host.  When the 5.1k is installed, it will automatically act as host upon connection.  With 762-Q1 installed, the iPad assumes it is a USB device.  The 762-Q1 is then required to issue the data role swap for the iPad to assume the host role.  After this, I expect the iPad should recognize the network adapter.

    This is not something we currently support in our GUI.  I will reach out via e-mail to better understand your application.
