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TLV62084: low side current limit and Minimum Off time

Part Number: TLV62084

Hi Team,

Could you please provide below table information? Thanks.

Input Volatage Vin   2.7 -- 5.5 V
VIN Quiescent Current IQ No Load, Device not switching -- 30 -- uA
VIN Shutdown Current ISD VEN=0V, shutdown -- -- 1 uA
VIN Under Voltage Lockout Threshold VUVLO VIN falling -- 1.8 2 V
VIN Under Voltage Lockout Hysteresis VUVLO_HYS   -- 120 -- mV
EN Input Logic VIH   1 -- -- V
VIL   -- -- 0.4 V
PG Threshold VPG_R   -- 95 -- %
VPG_F   85 90 95 %
PG Input Leakage Current IPG(LK) VPG=5V -- 0.01 0.1 uA
Soft-Start Time Tss Time from EN high to 95% of Vout nominal -- 0.13@0.9V -- mS
Switching Frequency FSW   -- 2 -- MHz
Feedback Reference Voltage VREF   0.438 0.45 0.462 V
Switch ON Resistance High Side   -- 120 --
Low Side   -- 90 --
Current Limit High Side   2.3 2.8 4 A
Low Side      ?   A
Minimum Off time tOFF(MIN)   --  ? -- ns
Output Discharge Resistance RDIS     1000   Ω
Thermal Shutdown Threshold TJDS   -- 150 --
Thermal Shutdown Hysteresis TJSD_HYS   -- 20 --

Best regards,


  • Hello Hardy,

    Thank you for reaching out,

    The Low side FET current limit 

    Min TYP MAX
    1.8 2.2 2.75

    Please note that these values are based upon the 6sigma distribution over some set of samples.

    Regarding MIN T(OFF): In the DCS-control devices where we have 100% duty cycle mode, we don't define this parameter.

    Thank you & regards,


  • Hi Moheddin,

    Thanks for your reply.

    TLV62084 is 2A rating converter. Why the current limit has < 2?

    Best regards,


  • Hello Hardy,

    TLV62084 is 2A rating converter. Why the current limit has < 2?

    TLV62084 has cycle by cycle over current protection. This means during the over current event, inductor peak-current limit measures the current during the high-side and low-side power MOSFET on-phase. Once the high-side switch current-limit is tripped, the high-side MOSFET is turned off and the low-side MOSFET is turned on to reduce the inductor current. When the inductor current drops down to the low-side switch current-limit, the low-side MOSFET is turned off and the high-side switch is turned on again. This operation repeats until the inductor current does not reach the high-side switch current-limit. Because of an internal propagation delay, the real current-limit value exceeds the static-current limit in the Electrical Characteristics table. 

    1.8 A is the Min limit across – 40 to 150 °C temperature variation, we make sure that the average DC current will be 2A.

    Thank you & regards,


  • Hello Hardy,

    If you don't have any further questions can you please close the thread by clicking on Resolved.

    Thank you & regards,
