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TLV62569: ERROR(ORPSIM-15461): Incorrect number of interface nodes for X_U1. X_U1 is a TLV62569P_TRANS

Part Number: TLV62569
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62A02

Hi All,

I want to simulate the TLV62569 on PSPICE_FOR_TI and I have this issue : "ERROR(ORPSIM-15461): Incorrect number of interface nodes for X_U1."

On the schematics there is only the TLV62569 and some passive component.

I have also try to change the library as explain in another ticket: I have remove the nom_pspti.lib from the library and added the lib file from the TI website. But I still have the issue.

My PSPICE_FOR_TI version is 17.4-2023-S009 which is the last one.

Have you any idea of what is wrong with this model?


Romuald Soileux

  • Hi Romuald,

    Which reference design did you choose? There are 4. I selected the last, TLV62569_TRANS, and it ran start-up just fine.

    I was going to provide a screen grab, but snip and PSpice froze my computer.


  • Hi David,
    I want to use the TLV62569P_TRANS as it contains the PG pin.

    I have been able to use the TLV62569_TRANS model too but I am not able to see the regulator going in power save mode.
    Have you been able to see the SW pin changing is behavior to power save mode?


  • Have you checked the model? There are comments at the top specifying what is modeled. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but I don't see anything about power save mode being modeled.


  • On the TLV62569P model, if I understand correctly,there is a comment for low power mode " d. Zero current detection and mode."
    Moreover the "Switching Characteristics and variation with VIN" are modeled. For me switching must reflect the output variation and on power save mode the switching is different than on normal mode.
    As there is no comment for the TLV62569 model I am not sure if the PSM model is embedded or not. 

    But the issue for now is that I am not able to use the TLV62569P model as I see this error "ERROR(ORPSIM-15461): Incorrect number of interface"
    How can I find the cause of the issue?


  • Hi Romuald, I'm going to send this over to the product line as I'm out of my depth in regards to how this was modeled. They should be able to give you a clear answer, one way or the other.


  • Hi Romuald,

    I tried simulating the TLV62569P PSPICE Trans model and was able to do so without any errors. The PFM mode was also simulating as expected.

    Can you send a snippet of the library paths you have?

    Best regards,


  • Hello Varun,

    Here is the snippet of the library path that I use.



  • Hi Romuald,

    Can you delete the 2 files highlighted in red below and then add to design the library file (TLV62569P_TRANS.LIB) contained in your local project folder using the browse button?

    Best regards,


  • Hi Varun,

    I made the change but the issue are still the same.

    Here is the out file from simulation:

    **** 11/23/23 15:01:46 ******* PSpice 17.4.0 (Nov 2018) ******* ID# 0 ********

    ** Profile: "SCHEMATIC1-essai_1" [ C:\Cadence\Test\test-pspicefiles\schematic1\essai_1.sim ]



    ** Creating circuit file "essai_1.cir"

    * Profile Libraries :
    * Local Libraries :
    * From [PSPICE NETLIST] section of C:\cds_spb_home\cdssetup\OrCAD_PSpiceTIPSpice_Install\17.4.0\PSpice.ini file:
    .lib "C:\R&D\LTspice_lib\slvmc19b\TLV62569P_PSPICE_TRANS\TLV62569P_TRANS.LIB"
    .lib "nom.lib"

    *Analysis directives:
    .TRAN 0 3ms 0 10n
    .PROBE64 V(alias(*)) I(alias(*)) W(alias(*)) D(alias(*)) NOISE(alias(*))
    .INC "..\"

    **** INCLUDING ****
    * source TEST
    R_R1 N00596 VIN 100k TC=0,0
    C_C2 N00495 OUT 22u TC=0,0
    R_R3 FB OUT 200k TC=0,0
    R_R4 0 FB 100k TC=0,0
    L_L1 N09553 OUT 2.2uH
    V_V1 VIN 0
    +PWL 0 0 0.5m 3.3
    V_V2 N07996 0
    +PWL 0 0 1m 0 1.0001m 3.3
    R_R6 N09553 SW 33m TC=0,0
    R_R7 0 N00495 500u TC=0,0
    R_R8 0 OUT 1.8 TC=0,0
    X_U4 N07996 FB 0 N00596 SW VIN TLV62569P_TRANS X_U4 N07996 FB 0 N00596

    **** RESUMING essai_1.cir ****

    ERROR(ORPSIM-15461): Incorrect number of interface nodes for X_U4.



  • Hi Romuald,

    The X_U4 definition in the out file is wrong. 

    Is this with a new schematic you created? Could you zip your project and attach it?

    Best regards,


  • Hi Varun,

    I made some test with other version of the TLV62599 and the part number have been increased.
    Here is the zip file.



  • Hi Romuald,

    I am not sure why this failed for you. There is an alternate way to add the model to your project. I was able to simulate your project using this method.

    I have attached your project with the model correctly added in.

    This is the alternate procedure for adding the model.

    1. Delete the TLV62569PDRL_TRANS part in your schematic.

    2. Right click on Design Cache and Cleanup Cache

    3. Copy the TLV62569PDRL_TRANS.OLB and TLV62569P_TRANS.lib files from this model to your project folder

    4. Right click on 'Library' in your PSPICE project and add the TLV62569PDRL_TRANS.OLB

    5. Click on 'Model Libraries' and then Edit-> Project. Choose the TLV62569P_TRANS.lib as a Netlist file. 

    6. Right click on TLV62569PDRL_TRANS within the .OLB file you added. Choose 'Associate PSPICE Model'.  

    Choose the TLV62569P_TRANS.lib in your project folder. Then click TLV62569P_TRANS in Matching Models and click next.

    Match all the pins as below and click Finish.

    7. Choose Place-> Part. 

    Click TLV62569P_TRANS  in Libraries and then double click the part in 'Part List' to add it to your schematic.

    If this is for a new project, I would like to recommend our newer part TPS62A02 here.

    Best regards,
