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CSD16321Q5: CSD16321Q5 datasheet and the DQH package description is missing the pad and preferred footprint dimensions drawing

Part Number: CSD16321Q5
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CSD17576Q5B

CSD16321Q5 datasheet and the DQH package description is missing the pad and preferred footprint dimensions drawing.

Looks like the older versions from 2010 and 2016 of the datasheet has the drawing. But the latest version from 2017 does not.

We are adding the part in our EDA-library and would like to confirm the package dimensions.

Could you help on this topic.

We would need up-to-date DQH package drawing which has the dimensions and recommended footprint to proceed with the EDA-library update.


  • Saurabh,

    Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I will get this fixed ASAP on the web datasheet. We are moving to auto appending the package drawings and there has been an error.

    I apologize for this, I can not attach the correct drawing to this response , I will send you a separate email with the correct drawing and I will look to have corrected on the web as soon as I can.

    One final comment, the CSD16321Q5 is an older more expensive device, we have a lower cost replacement CSD17576Q5B that I would suggest you use if at all possible.
