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BQ40Z50-R1: SOC mutated from 55% to 0%

Part Number: BQ40Z50-R1

Hi Team,

The same firmware has been cycled on different batteries for more than 150 times without any issues. The battery SOC has suddenly changed from 55% to 0% this time. At that time, the ambient temperature was approximately 0-5 ℃. 

GG file:

CHEM ID file:

Connect the charger and the SOC jumps from 0% to 53%.

Would you help to check this issue?

Best regards,

Annie Liu

  • This means that the gauge calculated a loaded simulated voltage that dropped below terminate voltage. The gg file shows a large Ra4 value and a very high load from the previous discharge (7389mA, 2.75C). The gauge modifies Ra for lower temperatures so Ra4 will be even higher (I can't tell the exact numbers because this info isn't in the public gg file).

    What's the Ra4 value for packs where this doesn't happen (e.g. golden image)?