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BQ76942: Hardware configuration to power on and off the BMS

Part Number: BQ76942

Hi TI team,

My development work involves trying to control the BQ76942 via hardware.
We wanted a control that allows turning it on and off.

Having read the datasheets I have this solution below and wanted to confirm it will work?

The pins of concern are REG18, RST_SHUT and TS2.

In normal operation both the REG18 and RST_SHUT are switched to ground. This leads to the Normal mode.

To shutdown the operator switches the DPDT switch
As the second contact for both switches have no potential:
RST_SHUT will receive the 1.8V from REG18 which after 1 second will cause the BMS to shutdown.
There is a 1MegaOhm resistor used to prevent overload of REG18.
TS2 is floating to avoid soft shutdown.